
“I think, at a child’s birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow
it with the most useful gift, that gift should be curiosity.”
-Eleanor Roosevelt


  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    If you are a bird seeing this, GET GONE!!

  2. Karlyne says:

    Great quote, too! Doesn’t all learning begin as a kind of curiosity?

  3. Connie-Killarney says:

    I love that Quote! We can take a lesson from Cats, they are curious about anything and everything, but further explore with Caution! Being curious expands your knowledge! I am a most curious person! Probably why I love Cats so much! I use to ask a million questions when I was a child and I still do!

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  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Love that Camper! Meg looks fabulous in that outfit!

  2. Debbie Fischer says:

    Beautiful Farmgirl and the camper is awesome! Would love to hear you play the violin one day Meg, I hope it will be a lucky violin case for me:-)

  3. You are Rockin those bloomers Meg!! Please pull my name out of your case so I can Rock m as well!!!

  4. The trailer is so gorgeous accompanied by an awesome lady with supremely beautiful clothes. The violin is looking mighty good too. I’d love to hear her play it!

  5. Megan Rae says:

    🙂 Thanks ladies! We had so much fun combining fun components for this photo.

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  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Meg, you look adorable in those Magnolia Pearl pants!

  2. Connie-Killarney says:


  3. Debbie Fischer says:

    What a serene photo, Meg you look so relaxed, happy and beautiful.
    Love your Magnolia Pearl pants with the top, looks so comfortable.

  4. Karlyne says:


  5. Kelly O says:

    Charming country look

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  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Are theses like the Florida ones that sting you? Ours have these red spots in them and all of those fine feathery things sticking out will make a sting that swells and itches like might!

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Great Find: Project F.A.R.M Homestead Burlap Bouquet

I just LOVE our Project F.A.R.M. (First-class American Rural Made) business entrepreneurs!

This week, I received this bona fide gorgeous bouquet from Lindy. Lindy is a prime example of why we created Project F.A.R.M—to help small business owners sell their handmade and lovingly crafted wares.

“When I found out about Project F.A.R.M from Brian Ogle, I was ecstatic, to say the least. My husband and I live on a small farm in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and I am a stay-at-home mom and business owner, which makes it difficult for me to get out—and this is why I need your help.

Each rose goes through a process and is intricately handmade by me. Many of the colors are custom done in my shop and are exclusive to Homestead Burlaps. I sent you one of my custom fall favorites … Merlot, which is the deep maroon you see in the bunch. Please feel free to visit my shop to see additional colors and designs.

I also design monogram doorstops and pillows … all made out of burlap and many are hand-painted with fabric paint.

Thanks for taking the time to look at my designs. I hope you really enjoy them and see they have a place with MaryJanesFarm.”


Of course we have room for you, Lindy! Your roses are just so lovely. For those who want to commission a wedding bouquet, centerpiece, or need a cuter-than-cute doorstop, pillow, or message board … mosey on over to Lindy’s Etsy site at Homestead Burlaps to see more of her lovely creations. Holiday gifts anyone? That’s what I’m thinking.


  1. CJ Armstrong says:

    Those are just beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

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WINNER!!!! Junk Gypsy Swag

To all y’all who entered a giveaway last week for a chance to win Junk Gypsy Swag … the waiting is over!

So who do the Junk Gypsies get jiggy with at their JuNK-o-RAMA prom?

Why, the stunning and talented … Miranda Lambert!


So I gathered all of your answers, put them in my Junk Gypsy bucket, turned my back for a second … and look who came to help …

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  1. Mary Beth Schwarz says:

    Miranda Lambert is the country music artist who has put her designs such as MAMA TRIED on the Junk Gypsies website. The Junk Gypsies are famous here in Texas and we love ’em! Thanks for the giveaway! MB

  2. Laurie Dimno says:

    Looks like that country girl would be Miranda Lambert!
    What a cool stash of junk you are givin away!!!
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  3. Kim Noah says:

    Miranda Lambert…I just love that “Honey Hush…” mug!!! But I say “Bless your heart” a lot more!!! I love Junk Gypsy’s website, eye-candy!!!

  4. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Pretty cute stuff! Perfect accessories for any glamper/tent set up!

  5. Karlyne says:

    I had to read (and look at the amazing pictures) the account of Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert’s wedding. Wow, if a wedding can be pure fun, I have a feeling that one was!

  6. Cathy R says:

    FUN STUFF! Thanks for your generosity! Miranda Lambert ~ never heard of her ~ she’s a cutie! I spent lots of years in Texas. Blessings from the hills of Orofino. Cathy R.

  7. Maria says:

    Miranda Lambert is the country artist. They were featured in another magazine doing a makeover for her. They also had her on their show.

  8. Jennifer Memolo says:

    Mrs. Blake Shelton herself…Miranda Lambert!

  9. Debbie Fischer says:

    Miranda Lambert, one of my most favorite Country Artist.
    Thank you Mary Jane.
    Blessed in Colorado

  10. Diana Mireles says:

    Miranda Lambert (Shelton). 🙂
    And what a beautiful collection it is!

  11. Carolyn Fisher says:

    Miranda Lambert….they did her wedding

  12. Muffy Myers says:

    The lovely lady would be the one and only Miranda Lambert. She is how I discovered The Junk Gypsies. <3

    Sending peace and love your way!
    Farmgirl Sister
    Muffy Myers #5370
    (yes, a very new sister)

  13. Heather Dragoo says:

    Miranda Lambert! Love her!

  14. Anita Waugh says:

    Miranda Lambert…she is a sassy thing!

  15. Laura Clifton says:

    Miranda Lambert!! She is how I found JG’s too…love her spirit.
    Laura C from Alabama

  16. Cathy Hudson says:

    Miranda Lambert:) love the junk gypsies! Those cute items would look so good in the 1972 red dale 12foot travel trailer I’m renovating! Just sayin’:)

  17. Amanda Mathis says:

    Miranda Lambert!!!!

  18. RoDonna Carson says:

    Miranda Lambert!!! Girl Rocks!

  19. Kimberly says:

    Honey, hush … it’s Miranda Lambert! : )

  20. Melissa Gomez says:

    Miranda Lambert!!!! Whoop whoop !!

  21. Sheryl Simpson says:

    Miranda Lambert!!! Love the Junk Gypsies 🙂

  22. Kimberly Owens says:

    Miranda Lambert!!! Love Love Love 😀

  23. Kim Cooper says:

    Miz Miranda Lambert!

  24. Gwen Menz says:

    Miranda Lambert!!

  25. Cathy Lounsbury says:

    It’s Miz Miranda Lambert! Pick me, pick me!! :o)

  26. Sacha A. says:

    I LOVE you Mary Jane!! Miranda Lambert!! Thanks for the giveaway! You are awesome!

  27. Sandy says:

    Gotta be Miranda Lambert!

  28. Lacy K says:

    That would definitely be Miranda Lambert.

  29. Toni H says:

    Miranda Lambert. The junk gypsies styled an awesome airstream for her. Great giveaway!

  30. Cyndy says:

    Miranda Lambert! – Mrs. Blake Shelton!

  31. LeeW says:

    Miranda Lambert. Thank you! # 1712

  32. Jen in TX says:

    Love Junk Gypsy! They’re from here in Texas. Miranda Lambert is their friend.

  33. Jacorn says:

    Miranda Lambert, of course!!!!

  34. Dorothy says:

    Miranda Lambert. Good Lord willin – thanks

  35. Honey says:

    Miranda Lambert. Love the Junk Gypsy’s help to OK tornado victims!

  36. Alison says:

    Miranda Lambert!

  37. Paula says:

    The beautiful and talented Miranda Lambert! She rocks!!!

  38. Polly Piasecki says:

    Miranda Lambert! Also know as the lovely Mrs. Blake Shelton!

  39. Kelli Gibbs says:

    Miranda Lambert of course!!! 🙂

  40. Mama Taney says:

    Why Miranda Lambert of course! That is some sweet swag. Love those Junk Gypsies.

  41. Amber Dillon says:

    All day it’s..Miranda Lambert!! Love her and the Junk Gypsys!!

  42. Sara crawford says:

    Love them jg girls and Miranda lambert of course

  43. A. Bundick says:

    Miranda Lambert and bless your heart. <3

  44. Krystal Potter says:

    That would be Miranda Lambert!

  45. Abbie Jean says:

    Miranda Lambert

  46. michelle moritz says:

    Miranda Lambert <3

  47. Shelby H says:

    Miranda Lambert!

  48. Mary says:

    Miranda Lambert! Love that mug – Good Lord willing and the creek don’t rise. My Daddy used to say that all the time.

  49. Miranda Lambert! Love her!

  50. Tammy Harper says:

    Miranda Lambert of course!
    She’s awesome!
    Fans of JJ and Miranda!

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WINNER! Project F.A.R.M. Marvin’s Garden

Last week, you all entered to win the beautiful Twig Wreath with Bird from Marvin’s Garden, our new Project F.A.R.M (First-class American Rural Made) addition!

giveaway-marvins_wreaths-9678All of your gardens, BIG or small, sound awesome! Right now, my raspberry patch is in full swing, so I walked out with a basket to pick some berries, and brought your entries right along with me.


With a little help from Ace, a quick grab into the basket o’ berries and, the winner is …

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  1. Congratulations Diane!
    What a wonderful prize you’ve won. I am sure you will enjoy it for many years to come- its BEAUTIFUL!

  2. Diane Cates says:

    AWESOME , I won the wreath!!! Now I will search for the perfect spot for which to put it ! Thanks Marvins Garden for the wreath!

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