A mini reusable zipper pouch and a black necklace with matching earrings, a tote, and a

scarf, all handmade from upcycled materials, were sent our way to be juried for Project F.A.R.M. (First-class American Rural Made) certification. Told by designer Stephanie M. Dejoseph (La Mia Designs) that we could keep them (WOW!), we decided to share the hand-embroidered “Farm Fresh Produce” tote and the super soft, matches-any-outfit, one-of-a-kind scarf.
Modeled by our beautiful graphic designer, Karina Elzinga, the first person to tell us what CSA they were signed up for this past summer gets the “Farm Fresh Produce” tote.
And for the first person to tell us you’ve already been snowed on (come on Dakota!), the gorgeous scarf apparently needs to be sent to you.

Round of applause for Stephanie M. DeJoseph of La Mia Designs!!!!!!
I’ve not seen these socks before and would Like to be in LOVE with them. What’s not to love….free trade, organic, and warmth for my toes when I’m glamping this fall!
You’re it Barb! Send your address to ace@maryjanesfarm.org and they’re all yours.
I’m thrilled. Thanks MJ…contacted Ace. Can’t wait to wear them!
The one thing I love about organic cotton is how it performs consistently with comfort, durability while honoring important trade and production standards for all farmers involved!
my DD just gave me some organic, free-trade cotton socks – she got a gift/prize from her job – and I tried them today. They’re not Maggie’s, but I’d bet that hers are as good or better! By the way, I loved the socks from my DD – so comfortable when I tried them out today.
No pesticides!
because theyre cool and comfy looking, but i havent been able to play with them in person
This statement applied to her apparel,tights, socks…..and so on, All Pants made in Central America are now both Certified Fair Labor and Fair Trade Certified TM. Love this and feel it is so important. Wonderful assortment of socks/types/colors. First time I knew about you. You can thank Mary Jane.
OPPS! did not sign……annamc