WINNER!!! Glamping B&B Giveaway!!!!!

Up until midnight Sept. 3, we tossed your names (326 to be exact) into my hat (actually Mia’s wheelbarrow) for a mighty good glamporific giveaway …

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  1. Beth Wyman says:

    Because I so love all your other books.
    I have all of them and your Magizines.
    Because I am at the hospital ER at 3:am with my
    Mother-in-law whose just had several mini
    Strokes. And she loves to camp and I want
    To fix up an old prowler camper she used to use
    And take her camping before things get bad. And we have
    Something to look forward to.

  2. Julie Kram says:

    I went to Amazon and pre-ordered your book because of the inspiration I know it’ll give me and my daughters and granddaughter. I’m using the “Outpost”, “Stitching”, and “Life” books constantly for ideas and thoughts and advice. I know the new text will provide the same for our farmgirl lifestyles!!! I can’t wait!!!!

  3. Julie Kram says:

    P.S. The 1964 Layton is raring to go!!!

  4. Linda Jenkins says:

    I went to to preorder because just the knowledge that I had preordered my very own copy of the book gave me such a huge sense of self & relaxation, esp. after 4 months of successful fire academy training. Glamping was just what this 44 yr old mom needed after keeping up with a bunch of twenty-something yr old guys. The many sides of me will be so excited to read the book especially after my own 1st Glamping adventure next month:)

  5. Winnie Nielsen says:

    I went to and pre-ordered your book because I have the others and I just love to read them and learn so many new things. Although I do not own a trailer and I am afraid my Prius is too small to pull one, I always enjoy the stories of all the adventures from the Farmgirls on the MJF Connection! No doubt this new book will be so fun to read that I won’t be able to put it down! Plus there will be new ideas to try and beautiful photos to inspire! I am excited for August to arrive.

    My biggest dream is not to own a trailer but rather to visit Mary Jane’s Farm and stay at the B&B!! I bought my first pair of cowgirl boots this spring in anticipation of one day going!!!

  6. Janet Doran says:

    I ordered mine quite awhile ago, just as soon as I found out I could preorder it early. I am so excited to get it.
    I would so much love to get pampered for a couple of days. The only time I have really been papmered is when in the hospital having surgeries. Visiting Mary Jane’s Farm is on my bucket list. I live every day with Mary Jane on my mind and all the wonderful things that she does and all the wonderful people involved with the organization. I will cherish all for the rest of my life!!!!

  7. Raynita says:

    I just pre-ordered your glamping book because your books and magazines make me smile the minute I touch one. They allow me to dream….dream about things I haven’t even done before like camping which never appealed to me until you showed me what glamping was. I love to have your books and magazines on hand for girl get-togethers whether it’s just two of us or a table full. Best of all, my daughters, age 9 and 27, dream together as we look through your books and magazines. I thank you for that:)

  8. Thayes Hower says:

    I pre-ordered your book because my best friend, who just happens to live in Idaho, loves camping and I am a bed and breakfast innkeeper who lives in CA. Our two interests make us the perfect Glamping duo but we haven’t had a chance in a long time to camp together. I’m sure this book will give us the impetus to get Glamping!

  9. DWanna W says:

    I pre-ordered your book because I love all your other books and glamping is sooo much better than camping. I’m looking for all kinds of tips for glamping in a cute vintage trailer (that I’m still looking for). 🙂

  10. Kelly T. told me all about you. I am so excited for the book!

  11. April says:

    I have been so excited about the prospect of finding my own camper to glam up. So while I’m still in dream mode, I thought your book would be excellent in helping me dream even more! I’m excited about glamping in a tent for the first time in September!

    • MaryJane says:

      Your upcoming glamping gathering sounds like the place to be. Should we send cut-outs if we can’t make it:)?

  12. Teree says:

    Without any hesitation I preordered your book at because I LoVe
    EVerYthinG MaRy JaNe!! You put a smile on my face EveRyDaY…I read your magazines, your books, your blog’s and newsletter’s and I follow you on Pinterest and like you on Facebook! I’m proud to be a FaRm GiRL at HeArT #2548! I collect your recipes and cook and clean like you…heck…I even dress like You!! Seriously can’t wait for this book because I know I won’t be disappointed! I look forward to the day I can road trip or glamp up your way to meet ya or at least visit your store. Thanks for inspiring my world. xoxo

  13. Jen in TX says:

    I pre-ordered it back on May 23rd after reading about it on the Farmgirl Connection. I have all your other books, so I wanted my collection to be complete. 🙂

  14. Linda Boyd says:

    I ordered your book because I’ve got all your books and would love to come with my hubby and stay at your B&B!!!! Oh please pick me! I love you!

  15. Sara Laughlin says:

    I ordered the book because years ago I stumbled upon an article about your Glamper and have been dreaming ever since of having my own Glamper. I’ve been collecting dishes for it for a while. I know some one in my neighborhood who has already became a Glamper and I am looking forward to the day when I finally am able to join the ranks. This will give me further inspiration and courage to take the step of being good to myself sometimes, as well as inspiration of what I want to do with my rig once I find it.
    You are a woman after my own heart. From the desert city farmgirl at heart.

  16. Marlene Gaige says:

    Because you and Meg are the most gracious people we have ever met!

  17. Rise Tiller says:

    I love everything Mary Jane – every book and magazine gives me a renewed feeling for living life. Thanks for all you do.

  18. Wanda Sue Aldridge says:

    I pre-ordered my book, and can hardly wait to read it. We have an older camper that needs some help, and I am sure there will be plenty of ideas. I have been glamping a few years and didn’t know there was a name for it. My husband always laughs at the flowers I always put on the table. Thank you for the inspiration!

  19. Vivian Varela says:

    Actually, I won’t buy books from Amazon; but I have pre-ordered a copy through my local independent bookstore, Mendocino Book Company! I love camping and am seriously considering buying a small tent trailer to get a little more comfort than my current 2-person tent 🙂 Your book will inspire me to create a wonderful camping experience for me and my dog!

  20. Laurie Dimino says:

    I pre-ordered two copies of your latest book…one for me and one to give as a gift to my sister. I am so excited! I have all 3 of your other books, which I just love, and of course I subscribe to your magazine, raising jane and all things Mary Jane. I just can’t get enough of you and all that you represent. Since discovering Mary Janes Farm about 3 years ago, my life has been truly changed for the better. The “sisterhood” is a wonderful community of like minded gals, and I have made so many friends through swaps, barters, and RAOK’s that I will be forever thankful!
    Staying at your B&B is on my bucket list of things to do before I turn 50 in a few years, so needless to say I would just LOVE to win this amazing prize!
    Thank you for the opportunity…I have my fingers and toes crossed twice over~


  21. Denise says:

    I pre-ordered your book back in May. We sold our large camper and I have been talking about and hoping to find get little camper and glamp it up. I thought your book might give me some inspiration and help me to learn more about this glamping. This giveaway is very generous and I am so excited to have an opportunity to visit.
    farmgirl sister#43

  22. Daizy Bailes says:

    Why? Coz Mz MaryJane is MY SISTA FROM ANOTHER MOTHER!!!! I live all things MaryJane – you are such an inspiration to me and my world…..I smell the Idaho soil when I’m with you – even thru your words !!! More MAryJane …. Any time!!

  23. Hi MaryJane! I pre-ordered your book because of the respite I know it will provide from my everyday, chaotic job. I know I’ll be inspired! Can’t wait!

    Ali ~ Farmgirl 12

  24. Sara Thompson says:

    Because I can’t wait to try some glamping myself.

  25. Vickie Hill says:

    Can’t wait to read the new book! Mary Jane, take me away!

  26. Beth Johnson says:

    I was raised an Alaskan farmgirl, and although I am no longer living on the farm, in my heart I will ALWAYS be a farmgirl, through & through. From the expanding hillside garden in my back yard, to the clothesline that I insist on using all year round even if there is just a mere hint of sunshine — I love simplicity, and your books and magazines encourage that. I love them all, and look forward to reading this one!

  27. JoAnn Groth says:

    preorder the book when I first heard about it. I have slept on the trampoline on the farm and in upstairs of the bunkhouse/kitchen (at the first Farmgirl campout) I think now is the time to sleep in the wall tent: ) JoAnn

  28. CJ says:

    I went to Amazon and pre-ordered a long time . . . holding my breath! I LOVE YOUR BOOKS and wanted to NOT miss the opportunity to pre-order your book. In fact, I ordered two, one for my “Birdie” as well.
    As you know, we’re “hooked” on glamping! We are the “4871 Glamping Farmgirls”!!!
    We’re all about the adventure, the experience, the fun, the frills, lace and “fluff”! We are getting ready for another adventure . . . ROCK ON!!!
    Thanks Mary Jane for the opportunity!

  29. Mary Sue W says:

    I’m pre-ordering your book because I love you Outpost book and your Ideabook. Plus I much prefer “Glamping” of my boys idea of camping. Thanks for inspiring me.

  30. Zoe Siperly says:

    I’ve had mine on order for months and can’t wait to add it to the library in my glamper!! I’m hoping [praying] that I am able to come visit you in person!!
    Thanks for sharing another bit of your life with us!! Blessings Zoe #2262

  31. Elizabeth Mason says:

    I have preordered your glamping book from Amazon because I am an Amazon addict, and am also addicted to curling up with your magazine. It’s just like snuggling down with my favorite blankie! The idea of glamping has been with me since you featured it in your magazine, and I so look forward to discovering all the motivation and information in this book!!

  32. Diann says:

    I have the behemouth camper and a vision for the “revision” and a name……Sassy Sister!

  33. Kim Stotts says:

    I actually went to and ordered the book before I even heard about the giveaway! I found Mary Janes Farm and all things farmgirl while I was out in California trying to settle my parents’ estate, sell their house, and tie up all the loose ends. I was so missing my home in Colorado but discovered “Mary Jane” at Barnes & Noble in Glendora, CA. All of a sudden, I was transported back to my home in nature – and being a Sister On The Fly (#1999) – I really appreciated seeing Mary Jane’s teardrop trailer! Can’t wait for the book!!!

  34. Sue Baadsgaard says:

    I love the idea of glamping – all the joys of camping combined with the creature comforts that we have come to expect.

  35. Mary Alice Baer says:

    I pre-ordered your book before you posted the Glamping Contest…but here is my reason for ordering it…I use to camp all the time, was made fun of because I liked to “dress up” the camp site…then after twenty years of marriage…I was divorced…no more camping…Now, my ex-sister in law is basically going through the same thing and we’ve been trying to figure out a “girls weekend” to just CHILL…Glamping would be wonderful and refreshing…and even if I don’t get chosen for the pampering…I’ll still enjoy your book as I have your other books, your magazine and the website. Thanks and Many Blessings. Mary Alice

  36. Sue M. says:

    I have all your other books and just pre-orered the book as a gift for a girl friend who has a vintage trailer…she’s going to love it! Would love to win your generous giveaway to your B & B…thanks for the opportunity.

  37. Maryann Fox says:

    I couldn’t wait to order the Glamping book from Amazon! My husband and I are so interested in buying an older 60’s trailer and fixing it up. We knew there would be great ideas in your new book. We have already starting looking and can’t wait to start collecting all the goodies to put inside. Waiting till Sept. 1 will be the hard part! I can’t tell you how much I enjoy your magazine and getting to know so many wonderful farmgirls. It has been a joy! Each issue has new things for me to think about and things to try. I have purchased many subscriptions for friends and relatives because I know they will love it too. You put your heart into it and it shows. Needless to say…I am so looking forward to the Glamping book coming in the mail.

  38. hobbit says:

    I’ve been following Mary Jane like a little lost puppy for quite some time.Friends often ask if I brought my farming bible with me,as I am rarely out and about “sans” Mary Jane info. The trip would be a great surprise for my daughter whose husband recently decided to let go of the wheel(his wife) and see where life takes him. Really? She has thrown herself into life and added,”seeing and discovering one new state every year.” She just came back from Nashville Tenn. and has been bubbling over about the things she saw and heard and so much more. I think Idaho would be a wonderful place for her to visit……….Don’t you?

  39. Sophia says:

    I use the Life books, and Outpost, quite a bit. I have a 68 Ritz Craft that I am remodeling: put in new joists and subfloor, new walls, nice twin bed box spring, new walls coming up. new electrical roughed in. When I get done my home on the range, complete with bandana material curtains, etc., will be rolling!!! With Oscar (my long haired weiner dog and myself on the road.

  40. Lora says:

    I have loved vintage trailers for 30 years! Had one years back that my EX-husband made me sell. Have been looking for another since before I heard about glamping. I have all your books and just get such a good feeling from them. I am from the Oregon Desert, and have had 2 neices go to college in Moscow, now a nephew will be there. Have wanted to visit Mary Jane’s farm since I heard about it.

  41. Janine Newby says:

    Because I love all of your other books and love the idea of traveling the roads with a little, tiny teardrop trailer. (there is one down the street that needs revamping that I have my eye on!)

    Can’t wait for the book!

  42. Jenny Pipes says:

    I am so excited for this new book and could hardly wait to pre-order. I LOVE camping and as I get older I sure appreciate the idea of “glamping”!!! I have a dream of a little teardrop trailer someday and camping with my daughters and girlfriends..what fun!
    You are such an inspiration and I have loved each book and magazine so much!
    My dream is to someday visit your farm and stay at your b and b.

  43. Idamarie Settlemyer says:

    after seeing the magazine I couldn’t stand it! have to have the book! the little ’60’s tear drop in my back yard is destined for a make over!

  44. junebug says:

    I went to Amazon and pre-ordered Glamping for I can’t wait to read it and Amazon make it so easy! I have all of Mary Jane’s books so I NEED this one!

  45. Christine says:

    Are you kidding?!?! There’s not a Mary Jane book or magazine I haven’t read yet!!!!

  46. laurie keenan says:

    Enjoy your magazine…raised a farm girl and am living the dream on 4 acres of my own, with the love of my life. After retirement plan to get a few chickens and such and re-learn the art of stocking-up like I did in my 20’s and 30’s. How did I ever have the time when my three kids were small??? Keep the great info coming my way.

  47. Deborah Robinson says:

    I per-ordered two copies; one for me & one for my best friend, Beth. Both of us fantasize about hitting the road and what better why than Glamping! Love your books & magazine!

  48. Susan peters says:

    Because I love the photos and your country girl attitude!!!

  49. Jamie Zorn says:

    I go camping for a week with my son’s boy scout troop every summer. I am one of the few parents willing and/or able to take a week off from work to go with them. Every year I happily sleep in my tent. This year one of the Assistant Scoutmasters brings his camper trailer and invites the other two men to sleep in it. I gave them alot of grief about the sleeping arrangements.

    When I got home, what is in my mailbox? My beloved issue of MaryJanes Farm! And what is on the cover? Glamping! At that moment I knew what I would be doing during the next year. Searching for, purchasing and glamming my own little camping oasis! Look out Camp Raymond, I will arriving in style next year.

    I await my handbook ~ I’m so glad I get one-day shipping from Amazon.

  50. Kathy Beachy says:

    Because I love the magazines, because I love the aprons & cowgirl boots, because I am a Mary Janes Farmgirl!!

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WINNERS!!!! Glamping Book Giveaway #4 – glam up a trailer

For this week’s contest, I asked what you’d do to glam up my Airstream (pictured below). The two winners we picked from our bag of tricks this week are Leslie and Jamie V. Congrats girls!!!!!! A book is on its way.

Leslie said:

August 21, 2012 at 5:08 pm

I love the idea of an awning, over a lovely deck this would be parked next to, or a cleared spot with THE most comfortable chair for sitting back and watching the sun set. (Or come up, depending on your mood!) I would love to see some color, so flowers would be essential. A walkway or path leading to this haven, planted with flowers that create a scent just for you. A smell that takes you back or calms you down or perks you up! The doors and windows open to the fresh air and maybe something simple brewing inside; your favorite coffee percolating on a camp stove ready to pour into the girliest cup you could find. Take it outside to that cushy chair and aaaahhhh, that’s better. I think there has to be colorful pillows and a fluffy throw for cooler days. Maybe some throw rugs and the grass cut short just around the camper for walking barefoot and squishing your toes in. Ohhhhh, I could go on…;)

Jamie V said:

August 21, 2012 at 9:13 pm

I love a garden theme, so I would paint a floral motif on part of it, then add some flower boxes – set up a table/chairs. I would then bring out the picnic basket and have a lovely meal, while enjoying the scenery! Jamie V in MT

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  1. Lynnie Chebanyuk says:

    A new vintage looking awning made just for you by the Glampers favorite awning maker, Marti Domyancic!

  2. Elizabeth Colvin says:

    I am looking forward to seeing this book in the mail….after I win it of course….lol

  3. Hi MaryJane!

    How ’bout a set of Buffalo Horns mounted on the front of that shiny Glamper? (my husband & I raise American Bison so we could fix you right up!); and, wouldn’t that be very handy for drying laundry? One thing about “Glampers”; we’re ingenius! lol

    Bunches of blessings on your day! ;>)

  4. Cathy says:

    OH MY! It looks great out there. I’m thinking a path to it, and a deck next to it , (new awning for sure) some chairs and a table, Iced tea and Ginger snaps. Throw open those windows and you’ve got a lovely guest house. I have a 76 tradewinds AS. She’s my baby!

  5. Debi Chandler says:

    First of all I would add a MaryJane Farmgirl…. (every Glamper needs at least one!).
    Then I would add lace curtains, a fringe awning and some lovely antique accessories. To keep the Farmgirl company, I would add at least two dogs, with suitcase dog beds and some old books, a basket of yarn with lknitting needles and an old oil lamp. A candle chandiler in the bathroom, with some large fluffy towels and some herb scented soaps would make that chore a pleasure! Homemade jellies in the cupboards and a loaf of bread rising on the counter would call all of the Glampers home for supper in short time. Finally, I would place a well worn bible on the counter beside the handmade quilt covered bed, loaded with fluffy pillows. Glamping is wonderful ~ no matter if the location is far far away, a local quiet spot or just a just a dream in your mind.

  6. First, I’d have it wrapped in a pretty lace and floral car wrap. Something with a mural, green pastures, wildflowers, and a white picket fence. Then, I’d add some farmgirl style twinkling lights to that Marti Domyanic awning Lynnie described. I’d mix the lights- red/white gingham light covers on some and I’d leave a few firefly lights open too. I’d set a grass rug underneath the awning and a picnic table with red check on it and I’d set the table with vintage silver and bright apple colored tableware.

  7. Rishell Graves says:

    A beautiful mural painted on the side.

  8. Kat Tylee says:

    Hmmm… Lace curtains, an awning, a small table with a cute tablecloth sitting next to the path that need to be worn down through the grass (I do miss the Palouse). A big glass of ice cold sweet tea, a good book or a good friend. Even better both. I gotta get going fixing up a spot on my new porch and/or patio.

  9. Christina says:

    That is a beautiful location for glamping! I think I would dress it up with an outdoor cooking area complete with a small fireplace. Id set up a hammock for relaxing. Maybe even set up an outdoor tub or shower. And then to complete the picture we need a bunch of fun longing women (sisters) to sit around the fire at night roasting marshmallows.

  10. Marsha says:

    I’d stock it with plenty of MaryJanesFarm food selections that are so quick and easy to prepare. There has to be a hammock outside to enjoy the cool breeze and take in all the outdoor sounds. A mosquito net to go around the hammock with a little table to set your cool drinks on with a cute farmgirl themed ice bucket beside the table on the ground. I’d throw a lovely vintage table cloth on the ground under the hammock to add that homespun touch! And, last a few oldies but goodies cd’s to play at night under the stars while you roast hot dogs and marshmellos on the open fire!

  11. Gloria says:

    All of the ideas above sound great – would love any of them. Since I recently named my car Gypsy (because I just retired and hope to do some road trips), my suggestion is some old-school Gypsy Caravan colors/styles. I just love lots of Happy colors, and would love to add your book to my library to keep my dreams alive.

  12. Cathy says:

    It’s been my dream to have an Airstream with big wide striped awnings on all the windows. Attachable flower boxes too. With big rugs outside the door. Twinkly Christmas lights in the evenings.

  13. Leslie says:

    I love the idea of an awning, over a lovely deck this would be parked next to, or a cleared spot with THE most comfortable chair for sitting back and watching the sun set. (Or come up, depending on your mood!) I would love to see some color, so flowers would be essential. A walkway or path leading to this haven, planted with flowers that create a scent just for you. A smell that takes you back or calms you down or perks you up! The doors and windows open to the fresh air and maybe something simple brewing inside; your favorite coffee percolating on a camp stove ready to pour into the girliest cup you could find. Take it outside to that cushy chair and aaaahhhh, that’s better. I think there has to be colorful pillows and a fluffy throw for cooler days. Maybe some throw rugs and the grass cut short just around the camper for walking barefoot and squishing your toes in. Ohhhhh, I could go on…;)

  14. Diane Jones says:

    How about 5 giggling ladies with drinks in their hands and tears rolling their faces from laughing so hard!! I have a specific 5 in mind!!

  15. Anna Victory says:

    How about a white washed picnic table with a vintage linen tablecloth on it. Decorated with a vase of wild flowers and cute candle holders made from mason jars. Big glass pitcher of ice tea and some great company to enjoy it with!!

  16. Katherine says:

    Besides all the lovely things the ladies have already suggested, I would want to be near a creek where I could hear the water, sit alone watching wildlife in the evenings, and of course, skinny dip!

  17. Jamie V says:

    I love a garden theme, so I would paint a floral motif on part of it, then add some flower boxes – set up a table/chairs. I would then bring out the picnic basket and have a lovely meal, while enjoying the scenery! Jamie V in MT

  18. Chrissy says:

    I’d have a watering trough and a horse.

  19. Jenny Rum says:

    A Big Disco Ball outside for night-time festivities. A table piled high with grilled meat. A bean bag to collapse in.

  20. CAROL MORTON says:

    The Airstream needs a pink door and pink wheel rims.

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WINNERS! Glamping Book Giveaway #3 – scavenger hunt

It’s time to announce our winners from week three of our Glamping with MaryJane giveaway extravaganza, where I’m giving away two signed copies of the book each week until it’s released on September 1.

My new book, Glamping with MaryJane, will tell you everything you need to know about glamping—from pitchin’ a tent to hittin’ the road to settin’ up your glampsite in style.

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  1. Laurie Dimino says:

    Oh, I just love scavenger hunts! Here are my answers:
    1. F.A.R.M. stands for First-class American Rural Made, and Rural is defined by a locale having less then 40 stoplights.
    2. Your historic flourmill is is Oakesdale.
    3. The next Glamping weekend is 6/1-6/2, 2013
    Now PLEASE toss my name in that hat, or flour sack, or handmade bag, and pick me!!!!!!!!!lol
    Thanks again for the chance to win.

  2. 1. FARM = First Class American Rural Made.
    2. Rural defined as locale with less than 40 stoplights.
    3. Flour Mill location Oakesdale, Washington; built in 1890.
    4. International Glamping Weekend. June 1-2, 2013

    Please, please pick me!

  3. Heather says:

    1. The “F.A.R.M” in Project Farm stands for, “First-class American Rural Made”. Rufal is defined by any locale with less than 40 stoplights.

    2. The flour mill is located in Oakesdale, WA and was built in 1890.

    3. In 2013, National Glamping Weekend will be June 1st-2nd.

  4. Winnie Nielsen says:

    I love a good scavenger hunt! Here are the answers to today’s challenge.
    F.A.R.M stands for First-Class American Rural Made. Rural is defined coming from a town of fewer than 40 stoplights, products must be made with safe, pure, and high standards, in keeping with state licensing regulations and doing business in a legal manner including paying taxes, products must have a web presence or in a store like Etsy, accept online credit cards, approval from Mary Janes Farm, and overall show that the products are made with love and highest quality.

    The flour mill resides in Oakesdale, Washington and was built in 1890.

    The International Glamping dates for 2013 will be the first weekend in June which are June 1&2, 2013.

  5. Tina Thompson says:

    1. First-class American Rural Made, Rural is less than 40 stoplights.
    2. Oakesdale, Washington, built 1890
    3. International Glamping Weekend 2013 is June 1 and 2, 2013

  6. Melissa Zinke says:

    #1: F.A.R.M. stands for First-class American Rural Made. Rural is defined by the amount of stoplights. Any location with less than 40 stoplights is considered rural.

    #2: The flour mill is located in Oakesdale, Washington and was built in 1890.

    #3: the dates are June 1st and 2nd 2013

  7. patti alexander says:

    1. First-class American Made. Less than 40 stoplights!

    2. Oakesdale, WA. Built in 1890.

    3. June 1-2, 2013.

  8. cathy holden says:

    i look forward to becoming mary jane farm girl there is a group starting here in ny. i’m so glad i found out about mary jane farmgirl.

  9. Dolly Sarrio says:

    1 F.A.R.M. First-class American Rural Made.
    You defined rural by any locale that has less than 40 stoplights!

    Love it! So glad I moved to the middle of nowhere…

    2. Town Mill is in Oaksdale, Washington, You bought the mill from Mr. Barron in 2000.

    3. Internationsl Glamping Weekend is Jun 1-2 2013

  10. 1. First-class American Rural Made
    Rural is defined as a town with less than 40 stoplights

    2. The Old Mill is located in Oakesdale, WA, and was built in 1890

    3. Next year’s International Glamping Weekend will be held on June 1st and 2nd, 2013

  11. Andrea White says:

    1. First-class American Rural Made and rural is any local that has less than 40 stoplights

    2. 1890 in Oakesdale, Washington

    3. June 1-2 2013

  12. Nancy says:

    1. a) First-class American Rural Made
    b) any community with less than 40 stop-lights. Like Pullman
    2. Oaksdale, Wa
    3. June 1 and 2, 2013

  13. 1. F.A.R.M. stands for First Class American Rural Made and you decided to define “rural” for this project as any locale having less than 40 stoplights.

    2. Your historic flour mill is in Oakesdale, Washington and it was built in 1890 originally.

    3. International Glamping Weekend 2013 is June 1-2, 2013.

  14. bobbie calgaro says:

    Ok, here goes for the answers. F. A. R. M. stands for First-class American Rural Made.
    The mill was built in 1890 and resides in the town of Oakesdale, WA. and the International Glamping Weekend is June 1 and 2 2013. Would love to win the book. Not sure I could ever Glamp but it does sound glamourous.

  15. Philena Betz says:

    1) First-Class American Rural Made; Any locale that has less than 40 stoplights.

    2) Oakesdale (WA); 1890.

    3) June 1-2, 2013

    Please, please, please choose me…pretty please. 🙂

  16. LaRoyce Eskew says:

    1. F.A.R.M. stands for First-class American Rural Made. Rural defined for this particular project is any locale with less than 40 stop lights!
    2. The flour mill was built in 1890 in Oakesdale, WA.
    3. Next years “Glamping Weekend” is scheduled for June 1st and 2nd, 2013!

  17. linda baker says:

    Answers:First-class American Rural Made

    Any locale that has less than 40 stoplights is rural.

    June 1-2, 2013

  18. Cinda Peterson - #2308 says:

    Here you go…
    Answer #1 – F.A.R.M. stands for First-class American Rural Made. And “rural” is defined as any town with less than 40 stoplights.

    Answer #2 – The Barron mill is located in Oakesdale, Washington; and was built in 1890. (p.s. we LOVE the gluten-free budget mix you make there :o)

    Answer #3 – The 2013 International Glamping weekend is June 1st and 2nd (This will be something really fun to look forward to!!)

    Thanks for giving us the chance to enter.

  19. Dianne Nixon says:

    1. F.A.R.M. : First-class American Rural Made. What is rural? Why, less than 40 stop lights.
    2. Your historic flour mill is in Oakesdale, Washington and was built in 1890.
    3. It’s never too early to plan a GLAMPING weekend, June 1 & 2, 2013.

    I’m glad I found your websites, as a former Girl Scout and GS Leader and lapsed “hippie” it is good to see other women so dedicated to true living. Maybe I’ll find my hidden inner child.

  20. Becca says:

    Oh thanks so much for the chance to win. 1. F.A.R.M. stands for First-class Rural Made and rural is defined as any local with less than 40 stoplights. 2. Your mill is in Oakesdale Washington and was built in 1890. (The first time I went to your website was to learn about your mill) 3. Your International Glamping Weekend is set for June 1&2, 1213.

  21. Anna Victory says:

    Here are my answers to the questions!! Hope I win the book!!! I LOVE MaryJane magazine!! It inspires me to be more crafty with cooking, artisitcally, and with my land and home!!

    1. F.A.R.M stands for First-Class American Rural Made
    You have defined “rural” with Stoplights!! Any locale that has less than 40 stoplights is rural in your book!!

    2. The town where the flour mill is located at is Oakesdale Washington and it was built in 1890.

    3. The dates for International Glamping Weekend 2013 are June 1 and 2, 2013.

  22. Lynn crawford says:

    1. F.A.R.M is First-class American Rural Made. Rural defined- Any locale that has less than 40 stoplights.
    2. Oakesdale, Built 1890.
    3. June 1 and 2, 2013.

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  1. Teddi says:

    Gooseberries! I remember the first time I tasted a gooseberry. A man from farmers’ market offered me a green one … 😉

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WINNERS! Giveaway: BINGO is the game-o

I have two educational Farm Bingo sets that are looking for two pairs of hot little hands. To win, just tell me what your favorite game is. Let’s hear it for game night!

Our winners are:

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  1. Laurie Dimino says:

    The favorite game in our house right now is a game called “shut the box”. Its a simple felt lined wooden box that has “domino like” pieces numbered 1-9 on a rod so that you can flip them up and down. To play you roll the dice, and flip shut the numbers that you roll. For example if you roll a “6” and a “3” you can either flip the 2 corresponding numbers shut OR you can just shut the “9”. Your turn ends when you cant flip/shut anymore numbers. Whatever numbers are left showing are added up and that is your score. The object of the game is to have the player with the lowest score. It’s fast moving and fun! I leave it sitting right on the coffee table in the livingroom, and without fail, when the kids have friends over, they ALL end up playing a couple of rounds.

  2. Terry Steinmetz says:

    Our favorite game is still Scrabble. Talk about learning vocabulary! My hubby used to do the NY Times crosswords so he has plenty of extra words that always get me stuck. So we sometimes end the game with a few letters (& words) that I can’t use. It’s all in good fun, though. And I am learning new words & meanings. When our children were all home, we had a Family night every Friday, where no phone calls were allowed, no neighborhood kids, and no TV. Just project & winter time game nights. Their favorite game was always Sorry. We even had tournaments.Ah, the memories! Now my grandgirls are growing up playing games.Their favorite right now is
    Sorry. They sure keep the pace going, even the 4 year old.But I love every minute of it. BINGO would be great fun to play with them. By the way, our kids still love to play games & Trivia is their board game, with euchre as their favorite card game.

  3. Jen in TX says:

    Scrabble is popular here, and Uno. And a great game called Blockus, a strategy board game using colored tiles.

  4. Winnie Nielsen says:

    When the girls were younger, they loved to play a go fishing board game that was mine when I was little. That was followed by a board game called Horses and then chess. As adults we still love to play Taboo with our long time neighbors and their kids whenever everyone is home in the same town together! As a child growing up, Monopoly was my all time favorite and we used to spend hours in the summer playing in our basement which was cooler. In the days of no a/c, basements were the haven for long hot summer afternoons in Virginia. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200. Drat!!!

  5. Kim Watts says:

    I love that the game has pictures of farm animals. We love Candyland and Go Fish!

  6. Debbie christin says:

    Just this past weekend my family and I played card games (gin rummy, wild card, old maid). We were up out our summer cabin in British Columbia – no Internet, no Tv. The kids had a little adjustment (withdrawal) and then we had a lot of fun with cards!

  7. Marie Christopher says:

    My favorite game is Farkle (right not that is). Changes with the seasons and the mood I am in. Also, who I can get to play a game with me. Scrabble is the all-time favorite with my grands.

  8. drMolly says:

    The favorite of the grands was/is Sorry, and now we will have a great-grandbaby in November, so we will get back to CandyLand & Chutes & Ladders, LOL. ‘tP’ and I like Scrabble best, but dominoes (Mexican Train) is good, too, & the #2 GS loves it, too.

  9. Barbara says:

    We are playing Yahtzee and Bananagrams which is faster than Scrabble and not so intimidating to younger players.

  10. Cathy R says:

    My all time favorite ~ pig mania now called pass the pigs! Still roll those adorable little piggies by myself sometimes and smile at the memories. I have a godchild who would adore Farm Bingo. Thanks for your generosity and enjoyable blog!

  11. Turtle says:

    we love pass the pigs and for those adult evenings with friends and cars have worked it into a drinking game as well.
    For just hubby and i we adore cribbage. But if daughter wants to play too we pull out Hawaii-opoly. We get to remember those years we lived there

  12. Colina says:

    For my older nephews and I, the game of choice is Monopoly! I used to be the master but they are quick learners and it took them no time to figure out my strategy and use it against me. As for my little girl’s favorite? Its a toss up between the Dr. Suess memory game and Candyland!

  13. Connie says:

    My all time favorite game is dominoes.

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WINNERS!!!! Glamping Book Giveaway #2 – tricks of the trade

Happy Monday to one and all—with glamping tents and trailers, big or small!

You’ve shared your secrets for setting up a good glamp, so now I present my two book winner champs for this week’s contest …

Okay, the names go into a vintage fishing creel. A little hand goes in. And two names come out …

And the second two winners of my Glamping with MaryJane book giveaway are:


Billie Jo Moffett and Lucy McCarty!!!!!!

Billie Jo Moffett said:

August 7, 2012 at 9:38 am “Watch for those lace curtains everybody sells at garage sales ……… cheap and can be used as curtains in camper or use velcro to attach to tent doors for elegant entrance ….. also helps keep mosquitos out. Or be creative and turn into fancy mosquito netting over bed.”
Lucy McCarty said:

August 7, 2012 at 9:43 am “Grands biscuits in a can…. You can make them as instructed, or…. fried buscuits, fried donuts… Super easy, quick and fun while glamping!!!”

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  1. New to glamping, but my most useful tip is find yourself a pair of candlebras. Perfect for light outside in the evening, lovely glow inside in the dark. They are so shabby for glamping. Adds a bit of romance, provides light, looks elegant and receives so many compliments. Wonderful with white taper candlesticks.

  2. Winnie Nielsen says:

    I have never been glamping, but I have done a lot of camping. Here is an easy dinner to make for campers and glampers alike. Using heavy duty aluminum foil, pull off a large square to which you add white or dark chicken pieces, a peeled and chopped carrot and potato, a slice or two of onion, and salt/pepper and seasoning to taste. Wrap it all up tightly and then double wrap for security . You can make these ahead of time, place them in your cooler, and either cook over coals of a wood fire or a small charcoal grill for about 45 minutes. Presto! Dinner all done and ready to enjoy with no pots and pans to wash. This combination tastes good with a hamburger or pork chop too. If you want to use the camper oven, just place packets on a cookie sheet and bake at 350 degrees for same amount of time.

    Winnie #3109

  3. Billie Jo Moffett says:

    Watch for those lace curtains everybody sells at garage sales………cheap and can be used as curtains in camper or use velcro to attach to tent doors for elegant entrance…..also helps keep mosquitos out. Or be creative and turn into fancy mosquito netting over bed.

  4. Lucy McCarty says:

    Grands buscuits in a can…. You can make them as instructed, or…. fried buscuits, fried donuts… Super easy, quick and fun while glamping!!!

    • Mary Jane chapin says:

      Just made these donuts on 8/11/12 while glamping with my sister and 5 year old grand nephew! Great lessons from being a girlscout!

  5. Megan Beyer says:

    Not sure its campin, or Glamin, without my horse. I’d say its havin an extra frying pan and a collapsible fishin rod in my saddle bags. Add a little color to the bed roll with different colored canvas, and grab that new pair of boots to add some flare.

  6. Kat Tylee says:

    A pretty flour sack dish towel turned table cloth or fold them up and turn them into cloth napkins that can get rinsed in the crick or sink and line dried. Cut some wildflowers and use your leftover tin can (after you rinse it of course) as your vase. I also love Mason jars for this purpose along with drinking glasses at home or while camping and Glamping.

  7. Debbie says:

    No vintage trailer should be without the World’s Best Kitty Litter for the Luggable Loo.

  8. Sharon Sigmon says:

    It’s just a simple redneck wine glass…$1.00 candle holder from Dollar Tree, 1 small Ball jar from Walmart, 1 lime green and blue glass marble, a bit of E6000 epoxy, and a cute charm made from a beer bottle cap…so very chic…LOL!

  9. Bonnie Jobe says:

    Oilcloth is good for your table but also to cover stuff in a hurry if the rain comes – and the new patterns are so 40’s! So easy to make placemat, lunch bags, hats, and totes! Seems like it should be a staple in a glamper!!!

  10. Melissa Bailes says:

    I have a vintage picnic basket that I keep packed with cross stitch table cloth( bought at a thrift store) , cloth napkins, pretty plates and glasses, fun salt and pepper shakers, and all “the might need” knives, cutting boards and hammered aluminum trays so we are ready to go on a lovely picnic at anytime. We can add the food on the way… Wine, cheese and fruit for an adult only or campfire packets for a family supper in the woods.

  11. Vivian V says:

    I like putting pillar candles in a large mason jar. Lovely light and the breeze will not blow the candles out.

  12. Laura says:

    I bought some cute charger plates …teal color that are the scalloped and put my paper plates on them to set the picnic table with a cute tablecloth….My camper has a wine glass holder under the cabinets with plastic wine glasses….very glamorous for camping!

  13. Barbara says:

    I am new to the concept of Glamping, but I have had plenty of camping experience since I was a child. I am racking my brain to think about the simple, but effective touches that would make a difference in one’s camping experience. After much thought, a pillow came to mind. When I have gone camping-to save space I would use a sack filled with clothes to use as a pillow. Practical, but not very comfortable. For Glamping I am thinking a REAL pillow covered with a lace trimmed case. Now that would be livin’!

  14. Chrissy says:

    One of the simplest tips I can remember is to rub dish soap on the bottom and side of any pan you need to place over/in the fire. Cleanup is a lot easier as the smoke marks wash right off. Take along a book of classical poems to read aloud at the campfire.

  15. Patty says:

    When looking for upholstery material for our camper, I was so discouraged at the prices from $24.99 to $59.99/yd. I needed 10 yards. Yet I wanted a durable fabric. I opted to go with painters cloth from Harbor Freight. I spent less than $20 on 2 painter’s cloths, which gave me more than enough fabric. Durable and it looks very nice.

  16. Becky says:

    camping with 6 children may not be considered glamping, but that is how we do it.
    I made each person in our family a fancy pillow case; flowers for the girly girls, race cars for the boy, etc. Now there is no comfusion as to who’s pillow is whose.

  17. Laurie Dimino says:

    The best Glampin’ tip I have up my sleeve? When no one is looking I sneak out to my glamping tent which is set up way out back, be it for a 1/2 hour of relaxation or a couple of hours to read in peace. They always know where to find me though….LOL.
    Thanks for the chance to win your latest and I’m sure greatest book!

  18. Lisa R says:

    I love enamelware and tin! Cute, fun items for my glamper would be an old enamelware bread pan to hold my napkins….an old enamelware or tin plate attached to a small chunky cut tree limb, giving you a rustic (and unbreakable) cake stand…..table centerpiece: an old metal box cheese grater with a cute gingham bow tied to the handle, placed on top of a votive candle, adding flickering and charming light to your relaxing evenings.

  19. Shery says:

    My little glamper does not have a screen door and it is nice to have one! I thought about getting one of those magnetic curtains now available, but they aren’t very ‘romantic’ looking. So, I opted to use a flowery sheer shower curtain (a leftover I’d saved). I mounted a cafe rod above the door, I put those little camper circle clamps though the curtain holes, slid them onto the rod and the curtain slides back & forth easily across the doorway easily. It is like a lacey screen…letting the light and breeze through, but not the bugs. You can see through it too. When not in use, I just slide it to one side, knot it and it hangs out of the way. Inexpensive, easy to do…AND glampy romantic.

  20. Vanessa says:

    My favorite decadent glamping treat is waffles made in an old nordic-ware waffle iron that you can use on a gas stove or over a small carefully controlled fire. Pile the waffles high with wild berries picked near by (or bring some berries or canned pie filling) and a big dollop of whip cream for the ultimate glamping breakfast or dinner!! They are by far the best waffles ever. 🙂

  21. Cat Livingston says:

    When camping/glamping I love to find a place to skinny dip! Nothing like nature in the buff…right? Such a free feeling, but mostly I do that in our spring fed creek in the middle of our 100 acres so no one sees me. 🙂

  22. Nancee McPherson says:

    The concept of glamping has renewed my interest in camping. Too old for camping on the ground… ;0

  23. Turtle says:

    as we love the mini mini campers i say make sure everything you have can be used in at least two different ways. I have a girlfriend who cannot do this and wonders why her trailer is so stuffed and crowded when mine is not. 🙂

  24. Chris Cherry says:

    My mom taught me how to glamp by looking for the “other way” to use everything and
    By making sure you don’t take more than you need!
    One cast iron skillet, one enamel coffee pot, one enamel dishpan and one set of enamel dishes with one set of utensils per person. Loads of books & pillar candles in garage sale hurricane lamp globes (the only exception to the “1 only rule”!)
    Getting ready to lead my son into his first overnight camp this weekend. Can’t wait to teach the next generation the exhilaration of glamping! Boys can glamp, right?!

  25. Marie Kelley says:

    I bought a sandwich maker and miniature crock pot for my friend Sue to use when she goes camping in her cute 13-foot Scamp. With the sandwich maker, she can even bake fruit pies with white bread and canned pie filling. For an elegant touch, I recommended that she shake some confectioners’ sugar on top of the pie.

    For comfort, we fashioned a pad for the couch from memory foam so that her guests will be comfortable when they accompany her. I’m anticipating my first “Glampin'” trip with her!

  26. Sue Fischer says:

    I love to look my best even if I am camping. I gather water from the creek and wash my hair–then set it in foam rollers. Don’t laugh!! It is easy and I feel amazing. And it dries so quickly, especially in the summer sun.

    Bring my own fresh eggs from my own poultry and homemade bread for french toast over the camp fire. Fragrant candles to read by candlelight… A favorite girly night shirt for slumber…plus I wear a favorite leather cord necklace with an amazing crystal for energy and comfort.

  27. Lucy McCarty says:

    I have so enjoyed the Glamping book that I won… Thank you soooooo much. I have read it from cover to cover and cannot wait to start on my own glampor!

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WINNERS! Glamping Book Giveaway #1—your favorite glamping location

Happy Monday to one and all—with glamping tents and trailers, big or small!

You’ve shared where you like to glamp, so now I present my book winner champs …

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  1. Mary Kay says:

    Oh kismet indeed! So exciting. Thank you so much!!!! Congratulations to Sandi too!!

    • Sandi O'Connor says:

      What a wonderful surprise!!!! Can’t wait to get my hands on this book!! Thanks so much and best to you Mary Kay, maybe our paths will cross glamping one day!

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