WINNER!!! Giveaway: Becky Higgins Scrapbooking Set

In our June 2012 newsletter, MaryJane’s Cluck, I highlighted Becky Higgins and her company, “Project Life.” I met Becky in Minnesota, heard her speak to hundreds of scrapbookers, and well, fell in love with everything Becky. 

Project Life is scrapbooking made do-able! All you need are photos and an assortment of colored pens, which is fabulous because, let’s be honest, it’s a fast-paced world we live in.

I am sure you’re wondering, ‘where’s mine, where’s mine!?’ Well, it’s your lucky day SUE’s IN TEXAS!!!! Sue’s name was pulled from my lottery hat.

Here’s what Sue in Texas won:

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  1. Jen in TX says:

    I am expecting, so this would really come in handy!

  2. Laurie Dimino says:

    I NEED this for SURE! I have two beautiful children ages 12 and 13. I have been taking pictures for years, and while I have made some scrapbooks of my own and done a few photobooks on sites like shutterfly and such, this would definitely inspire me to get busy creating something to look back at for years to come.
    Thanks for the opportunity!

  3. Terry Steinmetz says:

    I love Becky Higgins things too. When I first started scrapbooking, she gave me so many ideas! What fun it would be to scrap in one of her kits! Thanks for the opportunity to enjoy this! Oh yes, I would use it to scrap a memory book about myself. I have made scrapbooks for my children, my grandgirls & my hubby of their lives & think I should try to make an autobiography of myself for all of them to enjoy!

  4. Sabrena Orr says:

    Oh my! Have you seen my 4 boxes of photos stuffed in the upper portion of the office closet? Well…neither have I lately, but I know they are there!!! All I need is this super cool kit to get me started! I have pictures in those boxes dating back to when my oldest was about 4 and she is almost 20!! I could get my pictures organized (in a cute, scapbooky fashion) and find some much needed closet space!

  5. I am having a little one in couple of days and this will start a new journey so this will be a great way to start the journey right.

  6. Laura says:

    Oh I would love this!!! Have used Project Life now for the past two years & it makes scrapbooking so much easier for me. Thanks!

  7. My son just got married and the entire family was together for the first time in years.

    I’d LOVE to scrapbook the event with these materials. They are gorgeous.

  8. Valerie Wicks says:

    I am on the verge of becoming an empty nester! I have 2 children 19 & 17 who will soon be flying the coop! I have been faithful about photographing them but have neglected the organization of the photos. I desperately need to sort thru the big plastic bins & arrange the photos into some form in which they can be viewed for generations to come! This set looks like just the system I need to get started!

  9. Jessica Steele says:

    Oh, this is fabulous. I love everything scrapbook…and what an addition these would make to my collection of memories! About to embark on a rescue ranch journey, and these would be perfect for documenting our start-up days!

  10. Angela says:

    I fell in love with this idea when I saw it in your newsletter. This is my daughter’s senior year of high school. We have homeschooled all the way through, and we are both facing this year with a bittersweet mix of excitement and trepidation. She is an avid photographer, and I love scrapbooking, and we are wanting to do this as a joint project together. So beautiful to celebrate life, and it’s the perfect way to help record some of our farmgirl sisterhood projects.

  11. Dolly Sarrio says:

    I would love to win this and thanks!

  12. Mary Beth Schwarz says:

    This would be a big help to organize my 65 years of photos and odds & ends for myself and my family! Thanks for offering this free set to RJ readers!

  13. Carmen in Idaho says:

    Memories (56 years and counting)….loved ones, some who watch from above… parents, children, friends, pets, teachers, and oh those vacations….special moments in time…those never want to forget pictures of the heart and hand…..that get stuffed in many boxes….lifetime of pages wating to be shared….OH PLEASE I could use a method to my madness….!!! Scaping booking a pleasure to share…relaxing to do…for generations to come!!!

  14. Judy Cook says:

    Oh, I would LOVE this! I am 59 and I have just started doing 5Ks and making jewelry!! Life is changing fast and I’d love to scrapbook it–HEY! I haven’t ever scrapbooked either. THIS would be a beautiful way to start!!!

  15. Turtle says:

    Very Very badly! I have been scrap booking for years but have fallen behine and still have my grandparents on both sides as well as my growing up album… where i grew up on a small dairy/horse farm…. I have fallen into a deep pitty rut and need a boost to get back to work scrapbooking again… please!?!?!?!

  16. Linda S. from Michigan says:

    I would love to have this scrapbook kit. I hold Nana Camp each summer (this will be year 5) with my 2 grandkids. This is the only time I get to spend with them throughout the year. I’ve got lots of pictures by the years, but not sure how to put it all together this would be a great help. And something I can give them to remember our good times when they grow up.

  17. Sue in Texas says:

    I am not a scrapbooker but have photos in boxes. I have planned to make photo books for each of my grown kids this Christmas and your Project Life scrapbooks are the perfect solution for me. Pictures and their stories are the simple farmgirl way to share our memories. I’m so inspired now and hope I win so I can get started.

  18. Melody Winston says:

    Kids in college, life has been busy, and I pre-bought the book to find a new romantic way for my husband and I to reconnect. Go Glamping!

  19. Christine ross says:

    With four kids and bins of photos as far as the eye can see, I could really use help getting these pics in order!

  20. michelle kelley says:

    What a great indoor (or outdoors on a beautiful day!) I am my soon-to-be mother-in-laws caregiver and this would be a wonderful project for rainy days or just anyday!We really,really want to win this awesome set!!!! thanks, Mearl and Michelle of Illinois

  21. Anne says:

    I would love this! I’m embarrassed to say that my son is 20 months old and I still have not printed out any pictures. Winning this would motivate me to get started!

  22. Kathy k says:

    I have a closet full of boxes of pictures. I am overwhelmed! I need help organizing them

  23. Jane Stoner says:

    I have 6 grandchildren and have taken lots of pictures of each of them. I especially like taking pictures of them during special holidays: Birthdays, Easter Egg Hunts, Halloween, and Christmas. Someday I hope to have a scrapbook completed to present each grandchild so they can look back and enjoy the memories they have of growing up. I think they will appreciate having these books, especially when they have children of their own and can share the books with them.

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Glamping BOOK Giveaway #1 – what’s your favorite glamping location

When the road beckons, where do you go? Do you get your glamp on near a favorite swimming hole? Dig in among the desert dunes? Bed down on the beach? Head out to your backyard?

My new book, Glamping with MaryJane, is a comprehensive guide to all things glamping and packed with my favorite hints, tips, how-to’s, and recipes—and guess what? I’m giving away two signed copies a week until the book’s official release on September 1 …

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  1. Becket, Massachusetts. Simple serenity.

  2. Laurie Dimino says:

    My favorite glamping spot would have to be the very beach that I grew up “camping” on. Since I can remember, my family has camped on Shagwan Point in Montauk, NY. As kids we had our own “kids tent”, while the parents got to sleep in the luxury of the trailer. Back in the day there was no such thing as taking a generator with you, so when nightfall came, the only light you had was the campfire, the moonlight and the occassional use of a flashlight. We would fall asleep to the sound of the waves hitting the sand, and awake to the sound of the seagulls and the crashing waves. It was a “simpler time” in the world of glamping- one that I will always cherish.

  3. Kathy k says:

    My favorite spot is by our pond. Time out on the canoe is bliss

  4. Cathy says:

    I adore the California coastline, especially Santa Cruz.

  5. Deb Hodges says:

    We love going to the NC mountains – especially the Franklin area which is considered “the land of the waterfalls.” When we are in Franklin, we stay in a rustic cabin near Franklin overlooking a 100 foot cliff that has a creek below. Often, we walk down to the creek and I take pictures while my husband pretends to look for gold. We only go into the cabin to sleep and spend most of our time on the porch (so I consider that “glamping”) that extends the length of the cabin. Total bliss – enjoying the wildlife, the cooler temps in the summer, the peace and the beautiful views! Wish I was there now!!!

  6. becky rosaly says:

    Mary jane you are awesome! my favorite glamping place is fairhope alabama, right in my own back yard with my neices.

  7. becky rosaly says:

    my favorite glamping place is fairhope alabama, right in my own back yard with my neices.

  8. Tamara Garcia says:

    Two weeks ago my husband and I met up with family at Hindy Woods, in Mendocino County, CA. We took two of our grandchildren with us who enjoyed hours of swimming in the river. The last time I camped there was 38 years ago with my sister, mom and family. The campground looked pretty much the same. It was fun to share one of my little girl places with my grandchildren!

  9. Michelle P says:

    My favorite spot is in the valley, near my grandma’s log cabin. It comes with cows grazing on the hills and stories of her childhood told ’round the fire. She’s 85 and still tills her garden with a monster rototiller that would make mortal men quake in their boots. A few summers ago, she dug her own root cellar, simply because she had always dreamed of one. She is feisty, funny, and self-suficient.

    When I grow up, I want to be like her.

  10. kim ness says:

    walking the nature near my home…

  11. Jill Whitmer says:

    My favorite camping site is just behind the property line! Its a green belt and protected from development. There are beautiful trees, greenery, wildlife and a river that runs down the middle of a small canyon.

  12. Paula Bindrich says:

    Favorite glamping spot is anywhere I can pull in in the mountains where my only neighbor is the wildlife. dreamy.

  13. LA Brown says:

    My favorite spot is Sedona, AZ

  14. Becky says:

    Umpqua & Crooked River Oregon are a couple of our favorite spots. Now living in Alaska, we sure miss our old stomping grounds!

  15. Christine Ruzicska says:

    My favorite glamping place is in Prescott, Michigan on our families land. It is 40 acres of woods, peace, and serenity.

  16. Susan H. says:

    My favorite is our North Georgia mountains state parks.

  17. Sandi O'Connor says:

    My favorite camping place is anywhere our darling little trailer is parked! It can be dry camping in route to a final destination or in our recent trip that took hubby and me to an ocean front campsite in Maine! It’s all dolled up and has all the comforts of home. It truely is ‘home sweet home away’!

  18. Cindy Hunter says:

    In an old Airstream trailor….anywhere with my husband!

  19. Sherri Hazelton says:

    My favorite glamping spot is in the Big Horn Mountains of north central Wyoming. It is only about an hour drive from where I live. I love it up there. Don’t get much chance to go anywhere else right now. Helping take care of my 95 year old grandmother who still lives in her own home.

  20. I’m a newbie so I don’t have a spot…yet! You are inspiring me to glamp…just have to find that glamper! Thanks for the chance to win your new book – I have all your others and subscribe to your magazine!

  21. My favorite spot (besides my back yard) would be #1 the Bowl & Pitcher @ Riverside State Park in Spokane, WA. ,, my 2nd fav would be Girl Camp down on the Elk River in ID., and anything, anywhere else would just be frosting on the cake! :>)
    Happy Trails.

  22. Thayes Hower says:

    My favorite is Lake Wallawa. My friend and I had a wonderful time there.

  23. Vivian V says:

    I love to camp at Pismo Beach 🙂

  24. Mary Kay says:

    Just returned from a 2 week tent camping trip around Oregon. Fabulous outdoor food. Sisters, Prineville, Mt Hood, Hood River and the gorgeous Gorge! then on down the coast into California. What a beautiful and memorable trip. While I enjoyed every leaf lined moment, alas, I find my 55 yr old body is not the same one that camped endlessly while my son earned his Eagle Scout badge years ago! I found myself longing for a beautiful, birch lined canned ham to glamp in! Ah the luxury, ah the small indulgences, ah the turquoise appliances and bark fabric curtains…..ahhhhh 🙂

    This (temporarily) city-locked mountain girl is so looking forward to your new book!!

  25. Casey Quast says:

    My favorite place is anywhere that is not 115 degrees. 🙂 As a resident of Phoenix AZ, My summers are filled with 105+ degree days until around the end of September. However, just a little over two hours away are mountains, trees and rain. The Mogollon Rim (or “The Rim”) is between 6500-7500-ish feet high and when the monsoon storms come, it is an incredible place to camp. The temp gets down to about 65 or so when the rain hits, but the rain only lasts for an hour or so, making it easy to have the mandatory camp fire. We often camp with friends, which makes it that much better!

  26. Jill Thomson says:

    I like to Glamp in my vintage camper 3 mi. up the road in the Ponderosa pines on the creek in the mountains of The Santa Fe National Forest with my husband and Jack Russell Terrriors.

  27. janetlee dale says:

    I love to go to Lake Hudson at Salina Oklahoma. It is gorgeous even during a drought. The hills rise high above the lake and the wildlife is abundant. In the evening you may see as many as 30 deer passing through to the water or returning from grazing. Laid back life with beauty everywhere.

  28. My favorite glamping location would be anywhere near the ocean 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Thanks for hosting such a great, super fun giveaway. Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather 🙂

  29. Becca Farley says:

    I love glamping at Greenhorn Ca.

  30. LaRoyce Eskew says:

    Right here in my own back yard! We can watch the chickens, ducks, guineas, turkeys,cats and especially grandkids! Don’t have to find anyone to tend to animals or gardens…..and the price is right!

  31. Kelly says:

    As a matter of fact, I am in my fav glamping location now with my ma. Drummond Island, MI is a great getaway! It’s so nice to go to a place where everyone is so friendly and waves as you go by. Beautiful hikes as well!

  32. Sacha Anderson says:

    Near my home in Farmington Canyon. We will venture further out once the babes are older. I can’t wait to Glamp with them!!!! Thanks MaryJane! Once again we are feeling the MaryJane love….hope you feel loved from all our adoring fans and especially from the one in Farmington, UT! Happiness to you!! 🙂

  33. I adore glamping in the state parks in
    Michigan. New to this now that I have my little vintage canned ham.
    She’s all glamped up….total white interior and great vintage linens.
    Excited to see your book for ideas.

  34. Marlene Gaige says:

    At the north shore of Lake Superior north of Duluth. Waves lapping against the rocks and a campfire on the shore. Nothing better!

  35. Teri says:

    My favorite place to glamp would be Canyon Lake Texas. The prettiest little lake in Texas.

  36. Tina Bracy says:

    We have land on the banks of the Beaverhead River near Dillon in southwestern Montana. I truly love it there even though it’s quite close to Rattlesnake Clifts as Lewis and Clark called it. I have a terror of snakes. The feeling of expansiveness and peace just opens up my heart and loosens the springs that stay so tightly wound here in the city

  37. Elizabeth says:

    I’m *all over* the Oregon Coast, especially down south, near the state line. The Oregon Dunes have some places that make it an experience just waking up every morning, for sure!

  38. Nancy Lopez says:

    My favorite place to glamp would be the Lake Tahoe/Donner lake area, so many great places to go. absolutely beautiful!!!

  39. Kit Cooley says:

    My favorite glamping places change with the seasons. Husband and I found some beautiful campsites all across the country when we took our little Shasta-esque mystery trailer back east to see my folks in Ohio. She isn’t quite finished–we camped in the “shell”–so she hasn’t got a name yet. Right now it is beautiful where we live, in the north Idaho mountains.

  40. Teresa Smith says:

    My favorite is anywhere in the woods. We live in the big city and anytime we can get out to crickets chirping and coyotes howling is ideal. Just the two of us and the dog, a great meal on the campfire, and a peaceful morning with no where to go. Perfection!

  41. Nan Harrison says:

    Hey MaryJane, I’d have to say my favorite place to camp is Myrtle Beach, S.C. I love how carefree the beach is and the “Golf Cart Parade” that is held nightly by all the campers…if you’re not sure what that is, it’s where all the campers who have or rent golf carts gather at the main road of the campground next to the shore and ride up and down over and over and over, while slapping hands with the others going the opposite direction. My 3yr. old Grand-daughter loved it this year…her first…she did all the slapping while I drove..she had to do it every night of our stay. If I had a second best place to camp…it would have to be Pigeon Forge, Tenn. I grew up camping there by the cold Pigeon River, tubing was a must on those hot southern days. The smell of bacon in the air in the morning and the cadydids at night brings back such wonderful happy childhood memories. I want to make those same memories possible for my grand kids as well.

  42. Turtle says:

    we have a spot on one of the best WA state salmon rivers that is always set up and ready for us… which is most weekends. It is under 2 hours from our home and an escape with no phones or tv… well movies but no tv. We glamp there year round and have two trailers, one being a 13 foot scotsman creampuff. I love this place and adore weekends there

  43. thelma adams says:

    My favorite place to go glamping is in the Black Hills of south Dakota. I also love the lake areasib Northern Minnesota. Here in iowa i enjoy the state and county parks. Friends, family, and the grands make glamping even more fun.

  44. Cara says:

    On a hill overlooking the beautiful Kachemak Bay! The mountains, the bay and beaches, and the glacier. Glorious!

  45. Cherie says:

    My favorite is roaring river state park. Beautiful and the best trout fishing around!

  46. Kim Watts says:

    Lake Guntersville State Park in Guntersville, Alabama. It is where we always spent our summer days with my family.

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WINNER! Fred Meyer Towel Set

Recently, Meg, and I traveled to the lovely new Fred Meyer store in Meridian, Idaho for a fun little workshop. We met some amazing ladies, shared some laughs, gave away some swag, and received some gifts ourselves! It was an awesome time and we can’t wait to do it again …

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  1. Sweet! How wonderful! Enjoy your prize, Kathie!

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Giveaway: Reinvention: Sewing with Rescued Materials

How much do you love DIY? How about sewing? Does it just tickle your fancy to stitch, surrounded by a rainbow of fabrics, only to find you went to bed with your thimble still on your finger?

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  1. Susie says:

    Hello, My last recycled sewing projects where pillow covers and market bags from coffee bean bags. When the burlap is washed it becomes really soft. I backed the pillows with 10 oz cotton canvas that I had left over from my art stash and I lined the bags with scraps left over from other sewing projects.

  2. Jennifer Etheridge says:

    Good timing! This morining I re-made an old curtain into some super-cool (3 year old approved) Fireman pants! 🙂
    l would post a picture, but can’t figure out how?

  3. Debbie says:

    I am making aprons from used shirts and dresses from t-shirts! Would love to see some new ideas!

  4. Mrs. B says:

    I like using sheets for skirts or dresses, the heavier, worn-in cotton is so soft and cozy. My daughter likes making interesting t-shirts into bags, too.

  5. Cher England-Johns says:

    I took an old pair of jeans and made slipcovers for my bench on my deck. I love the look it gave very lived in and comfy.

  6. Debra Shay says:

    I have taken aprart curtains to make into pillows. I have also make placemats into pillows.

  7. Stephani Poole says:

    I made kitchen curtains out of pillow cases & reused sheets over windows (on a rod) and showers but I think the best re use of fabric by far is the double wedding ring king size quilt my great grandma made out of old clothes…baby dresses (that she hand made, every stitch by hand), her dresses, Grandpa’s shirts, ties & flour sacks…I think she used fabric that came in cigarette boxes & cigar boxes (hiawatha flannel). The resourcefulness is envious & she won 1st place at the county fair for the quilt. Just a little nostalgia 🙂

  8. Patty says:

    I found a bunch of cloth dinner napkins at a thrift shop and made a quilted dog bed.

  9. Jen E says:

    My last project was a heart I helped my daughter make. She made it for my mom. I had an old handmade quilt that was falling apart and in pretty bad shape. We picked out a spot on the quilt that was still intact and made a cute stuffed heart out of it. My daughter put a pocket on the front and wrote a note to my mom and she gave it to her. It was sweet 🙂

  10. Joan N. says:

    I would love this book. Maybe it can teach me how to actually “sew” …. and my family knows how I need to learn to sew 🙂

  11. E Delaney says:

    Made a girl’s dress from a man’s tshirt, with a ribbon-tie neck and lace hem.

  12. Lora Rosencrans says:

    I like to make corn hole bags out of old blue jeans. They are very popular at the local flea market. Then I make purses out of the top part of the jeans and line them with old flowery shirts. I would love to show you a picture but everything I own is in storage at this point.

  13. Brandy says:

    Aprons out of old jeans/pants;purses;clothes……

  14. MollyWelsh says:

    Well, my last one was a shirt for the #2 GS made from a nice cotton men’s shirt I found at the thrift store. I’m often “shopping” in thrift stores for items that can be re-purposed into other clothing and household items. FUN!

  15. Tina says:

    I have to share this I bought them at a fleamarket potholders made out of old blue jeans from the pockets and then had material pieces sewn on top that said blackberries or oregano very cute:) She was also selling rugs that were braided and made out of old blue jeans …

  16. Debra Smith says:

    I have been making shopping bags out of feed sacks. I use chicken feed, cattle, goat, dog food bags, whatever my friends and family bring me. I have also made them out of old salavaged curtains. I have given them to all of my family.

  17. ruby t says:

    Hi Mary Jane,
    My recycled project right now is making scarves with material from skirts, dresses, and shirts using cotton or linen. Mixing the patterns and colors is so much fun.
    This looks like a lovely book and I had not heard about it yet. Thanks for being you.
    ruby t

  18. Katie says:

    The last repurposed sewing project I made was to make pillows from cloth seed/feed bags. The material is soft and I love the vintage advertising & graphics on the pillows. I also use old tablecloths that are stained or damaged and make pillows from them as well.

  19. I like making things from old table clothes, pillow cases, vintage lace, vintage towels, and lace curtains. I like to dye lace and use doilies or hankies. I’m making lace wrap skirts, circle skirts for little girls, and aprons. I’m always on the look-out for new ideas.
    Some fabrics I’ll always love from my wardrobe…so I cut them up to use for future projects. And I have a great collection of vintage lace trimmings, buttons, ribbons, and other sewing notions, just waiting for me to play with when I retire!!!

  20. Dianna says:

    I have not made anything totally from reused materials lately BUT I just finished a garden apron for my oldest daughter who turns 40 in August. I was looking for some artsy details to add to the apron when I found my daughter’s old CampFire buttons from her Bluebird uniform. I made the neck straps to look like overall straps and added the buttons, so cute. I then used some baby buttons to add to the flower centers. She will be so surprised to see those buttons!

  21. Turtle says:

    i have been doing this forever but recently i have been fixing up an old trailer with goodwill finds. Curtains, pillows and slipcovers from flat sheets, pillows from grain and flour sacks or vintage tea towels, even a bolster pillow from woven rugs… i adore doing this and trying to save pennies as well as re-using goodies! i like things to have a history! 🙂

  22. oleta kinney says:

    I am making a Christmas quilt by embroidering Christmas themes on squares cut from an old off white wool coat I found at a yard sale for $2. I’ll probably put them together with red, black, or green wool or maybe flannel or velvet. My eyes are looking for the perfect thing!

  23. carol branum says:

    I am seriously in love with Magnolia Pearl. I do clothing like hers. I love to sew and design. I have been in two fashion shows with the clothing locally and given three talks to ladies groups in our area: the Red hat Society and Rebeccas, and a Baptist Missionary Group. My things are for sale here locally at the Faithful Peddlar Antique Mall. I am always looking for new ideas.

  24. Misty says:

    I know it’s old hat but my most recent repurposing was cutting up a cotton shirt that never fit well and putting the pieces in scrappy quilt. That little pink floral print looked much better in the quilt than it did on me!

  25. Pingback: Giveaway: Reinvention: Sewing with Rescued Materials WINNER! | Raising Jane Journal

  26. Cindy Ceroky says:

    I initiated a quilt for my girls that has taken squares from their baby clothes, and one item of clothing from each great grandparent and grandparent. I haven’t pieced it together yet. Hopefully I can make the time this summer. I also took some recycled fabric and covered up, like a patch, a Hollister name tag on a great messenger bag from the thrift store. It turned out perfect!

  27. michelle kelley says:

    My latest repurposing was a quilt I made out of old jeans. Mostly Levis because of the genuine leather tags and rivets that I was able to cut out and stitch on to it.I used a queen size flat flannel sheet for the backing.This is the first quilt I’ve ever made.It’s not perfect,but it feels so nice on those cold Illinos winter nights!

  28. Marti Lundh says:

    I can’t resist Men’s ties. I have made a curtain valance, covered a footstool, made many styles of purses, lapel pins and am working on a vest—-love those beautiful fabrics.

  29. Elena Riley says:

    I’m all about reuse and recycle. I’m not sure why but I love shopping at thrift store just for that purpose. Most recent creation was an apron made from a men’s dress shirt.

  30. Howdy would you mind letting me know which hosting company you’re using? I’ve loaded your blog in 3 different internet browsers and I must say this blog loads a lot faster then most. Can you suggest a good web hosting provider at a reasonable price? Thanks a lot, I appreciate it!

    • Ace says:

      Hi there Katheleen! Thanks for your question and glad you are enjoying navigating the blog! 🙂 First Step is our Internet Service Provider. They are a local company here in Moscow, ID, and they also host Raising Jane, which is powered by WordPress.

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  1. Angela Bailey says:

    Hi MaryJane! I stayed at your B&B this past weekend and let me say that Riley is one of the sweetest dogs I’ve met. He greeted me cheerfully each day and he was always up for a game of fetch with a pine cone or a stick. Such a sweetheart.

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Great Find: Wipe yer boots! sign

Don’t let those little ones scamper through the house with muddy feet!
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Great Find: Inspirational Sign

“There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.”

Can I get an amen?

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Great Find: Sunshine Bouquet Bedding SOLD

This Sunshine Bouquet bedding, from my MaryJane’s Home collection, is a gorgeous palette of yellows and pinks set in a high-flyin’ floral pattern. This GREAT FIND has been gently used in my B&B (no stains or wear and tear) and would be the perfect find for your …

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  1. Ken Rayborn says:

    Are there ANY pieces or single articles from this Sunshine Bouquet Set?? Belks or individuals!
    Any pieces would be greatly appreciated! New or used in good condition.

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  1. Debbie says:

    Oh my gosh! SIGN ME UP!!!
    XO beach farmgirl Deb

  2. Laurie Dimino says:

    Looks like heaven on earth! Love the linen and lace look all layered together, and love that headboard-rusticly romantic.
    Thank you for sharing!

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