
  1. Dolly Sarrio says:

    These cabbage are beautiful. Makes me wish I lived closer to your farm.

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Great Find: Iris Art

It matches mah eyes darrrlin’ … the background is as blue as the bluebird at my window. This signed “Pink Iris” watercolor print by …

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  1. Joan N. says:

    I just love that photo of old watering cans. My favorite so far!

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Great Find: lay and no play SOLD

Willie thinks this is a honey of a find! A while back I wrote a post, titled “All Lay and No Play,” that featured this cluckin’ cool piece of artwork by Julene Ewert. This cool little chickie was made using thin layers of beeswax and …

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  1. Eileen Widman says:

    I want this.

  2. Joan N. says:

    Hysterical! That is the cutest thing.

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WINNER! Happiness Project Book Set

Thanks to all who shared what makes them the most happy for a chance to win The Happiness Project book set. And the winner is …

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  1. Laurie Dimino says:

    Congratulations Winnie! Enjoy the book and Journal!
    Farmgirl Sister#1403

  2. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Wow, oh Wow!! I am so happy to be the winner of this book set and I cannot wait to dig in and enjoy! Thank-you Mary Jane! I will be looking for the email from you. Right now at 1:30 EDT, nothing has shown up on my computer but I will keep looking.
    I am on cloud 9 right now!! Yippeee!!!

    Winnie #3109
    Red Tractor Girl

    • MaryJane says:

      Dang, my email function must be in need of our Monday morning tech guy, Gabe. What would I do without him? Why don’t you email me your address, since I can’t email you?

      You’re the perfect person for this book! Let us know what you think. Great big hug on a Sunday:)

  3. Teri Brian says:

    Congratulations Winnie! Enjoy. πŸ™‚ Teri

  4. Pingback: Giveaway: The :) Project | Raising Jane Journal

  5. Joan N. says:

    Winnie, congratulations!!!!

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  1. devi says:

    Wow what find and what a photo. Love taking photos too.

  2. Lisa says:

    I wish someone would have saved it!

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Giveaway: WINNER of Wild Iris Art

Every Sunday I’ll be here, roll-calling the winners of my giveaways. This week’s winner of the Wild Iris glass dish is …

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  1. drMolly says:

    OH MY!!! Thank you so much – it is so lovely. (& I see my typing was ‘flubbed’ I meant our seasonal creek).
    I will treasure the beauty of the dish – it will allow me to have the iris all year ’round.

  2. Congratulations, drmolly, on winning the giveaway πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  3. Ace says:

    Hi dr.Molly! I sent an email out to you a few days ago – just wondering if you had received it yet! If you can get back to me with your address at we can ship it out to you asap.

    Happy Friday!


  4. Pingback: Giveaway: Wild Iris Art | Raising Jane Journal

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Giveaway: The :) Project

The Happiness Project … Or, Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun by Gretchen Rubin, chronicles her pursuit of a more meaningful day-to-day existence.

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  1. Laurie Dimino says:

    Hmmm, there are many, many things that make me happy. Choosing just one is hard! I guess what makes me happiest is family- yes, knowing I am blessed with a wonderful healthy, family. My husband, son and daughter are what everything else is all about. They are WHY I do what I do- trying to live a simpler life and to teach my children right from wrong and what really matters in life (which in this day and age of technology isnt easy!) So, ultimately, it is my family that keeps me grounded and makes me happiest in life!
    Thanks for the opportunity to win such an interesting book and awesome journal! You continue to introduce me to wonderful books, ideas, and a fabulous lifestyle! Thanks MJ!

  2. Winnie Nielsen says:

    I have been working as an RN for the past 33 years and raised a family of two girls. My husband recently retired and I hope to do the same in another year or so. As I have been thinking about filling my time in the future, I must admit , it is hard to figure out. Last May I joined the MJF Connection which opened up a whole new world of women doing so many creative endeavors. But, one day I happened upon a Connection entry of a new young entrpreneur and began to sponsor her work where she lives in north Idaho. What a blessing this has been to me because I realized that I had some skills that I could share with her that might make her more successful . Over the past few months, I have been researching home businesses and sharing what I have gathered mixed in with what I already know from working in the corporate world. So now I am thinking maybe there is a way I can do more of this help to young entrepreneurs trying to get their businesses off the ground. I am also aware that this might give me the focus for what my retirement days can look like. This is very exciting to me and making me very , very happy!! For me, I am most happy when I feel like my time and work has meaning.

    This book and journal is a wonderful gift idea!! I am learning so much myself about what it means to be older and what a challenge it will be to continue to grow past my years in the workforce in positive and meaningful ways. I thank MJF for leading me down a path to better living and connecting with so many talented and inspiring women!! Thank you MaryJane!

    Winnie. aka RedTractorGirl on the Connection

  3. Ellen says:

    What makes me happy is the soft touch of my kitties fur when they cuddle up to me in the morning. The smile on my boyfriend’s face when he comes through the door at the end of the day. Making something – sewing, crocheting or sketching that never existed before I made it and I brought it to life. Messing around concocting something in the kitchen that ends up being a delicious experiment. Sharing a cup of tea with my friend Bethany who is like the sister I always wanted and understands me so well that we can laugh and cry together. Thinking I am wasting time on the computer – only to discover a great website with wonderful insight and pictures that lift my day. Sleeping the good sleep of a day well spent.

  4. Tracy Snyder says:

    What makes me happy every morning is the DECISION I make to BE happy. I’m up at 5AM to take care of a farm and a slew of housepets, then it’s off to my preschool teaching job. I hear people complain every day about little stuff that is so unimportant I cannot believe they allow it to bother them. So my motto is this: Unless it is something that will still be an issue when I’m on my deathbed then it is not important enough to fret about. I choose to see the beauty in everything and to love everyone who is important to me. And I allow myself to just be.

  5. Patty Byrd says:

    Waking up every morning to the smell of coffee and to find my obituary is not in the paper.

  6. Cathy R says:

    Happiness: To wake each morning and behold what Jesus Christ has created for us to enjoy and to graciously share His love with everyone! Thank you very much for sharing your time and treasures with us.
    Heavenly blessings!

  7. Creation makes me soar. It is the time wherein I feel whole and complete and dare I say it? Worthy.

  8. Catalinakel says:

    There are so very many things that make me happy, but that one that keeps me consistently smiling is to know that God is with me. Simple as that. Happy.

  9. Robyn Jones says:

    Spending time with my family is what makes me the happiest! πŸ™‚

  10. Mary Beth Schwarz says:

    What makes me happy is waking up to another glorious day with my cat Carmen and husband Barry so I can get going to help my family and others. What a great idea for a book!

  11. Micah Ortwein says:

    What makes me most happy are the days leading up to getting to see the love of my life again after a deployment, and of course the actual day when I get to wrap my arms around him again! The sweet sounds our puppy makes when she yawns after waking. The feel of warm laundry in my lap. Bubble baths. Bear hugs. A cold Dr. Pepper from a soda fountain. Crushed ice. Candles burning in a dark room. Hot tea anytime of the day. A good book. My quiet time in the morning with God. Talking to my mom on the phone. Rocking babies. Dancing in the rain…. The list goes on and on, but these are just a few. πŸ™‚

  12. Jenny Rummel says:

    My Pugs!!! I am blessed with three beauties and I do know what a blessing they are…as all dogs are. They make me happy in the most purest form. They make other things that are beautiful and happy even more beautiful and happier. I Love them, I love them, I LOVE THEM!!! They are my happiness, my smile, my loves.

  13. Bunny St. Clair says:

    Our 6 kitties. Watching them play (and get into trouble) makes me smile and be happy. We would rather watch and play with our kitties any day the the TV.

  14. Chris says:

    I love to start the morning with a cup of hot tea and maybe a scone if I got up early enough to make it, and just stare at the mountains range to the east and watch the sun come up over the mountains. Especially in the summer when the sunrise here in Montana is early enough that I have a halfway decent chance of accomplishing it before anyone else wakes up. The rest of the year I don’t actually manage it very often, the children wake up and I need to help them get ready for the day before the sun makes it appearance so I miss it’s arrival. But when I do get the chance to just sit and watch for the half hour or so from the first rays of light appearing over the mountains, to the final rise of the sun itself, it sets the tone for a level of calm and contented “no matter what happens I can handle this without any extra drama” kind of day.

  15. There are lots of things that make me happy. Right now, it’s watching Road to Avonlea, knitting socks and dreaming of living on a farm πŸ™‚ Thanks for hosting such a fun giveaway πŸ™‚ Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather πŸ™‚

  16. Teri Brian says:

    Many things make me happy, but nature is one. I love the sight of skies, either night or day. I love mountains, oceans, meadows, creeks, flowers, plants, trees, animals. I sit or stand and listen to nature’s sounds and feel at peace. πŸ™‚ Teri

  17. MollyWelsh says:

    My life makes me happy or should I say I make my life happy. There are just too many wonderful things to list – my husband, my children, my granchildren, my gardens, my animals, my hobbies………………………………….

  18. Pingback: WINNER! Happiness Project Book Set | Raising Jane Journal

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Giveaway: WINNERS of The Farmgirl Connection Cookbook!

Thanks to all those who shared their favorite recipes (all 54 of you!) for a chance to win a copy of The Farmgirl Connectionβ„’ Cookbook. It was “take your daughter to work day” last week,Β so …

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  1. Laurie Dimino says:

    Congratulations Lucy Ladies!

  2. Laurie Dimino says:

    OOPS thats supposed to say “Lucky” ladies!

  3. Joan N. says:

    Congratulations to all the winner….Yahooo!

  4. Teri Brian says:

    Congratulations! Enjoy. πŸ™‚ Teri

  5. Pingback: Giveaway: Farmgirl Connection Cookbook | Raising Jane Journal

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