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  1. Theresa Merkling says:

    Love this sign. Just found your magazine for the first time while at the grocery with my daughter in New Mexico! I live in Virginia Beach, but am visiting her – had her first baby 12/1/11 – a home birth with midwife and now I’m reverting back to my earth mother instincts.

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Giveaway: The Fabric of Humanity

 Ready to start your Sunday morning off on an uplifting note?











The first person with an extra 20 minutes on their hands who wanders on over to Maggie’s Organics website to watch their video “The Fabric of Humanity” gets a pair of organic love socks (a gift from Béna Burda herself), along with a copy of our brochure “Why Organic Cotton?” It’s a moving video. (I promise, you’ll never be the same.) Get ready to usher in the human spirit at its best! (And walk away forever inspired by Béna and the women in her life.)




  1. Jen in TX says:

    Wonderful video–thanks for the link!

  2. Susie says:

    yes. My Christmas shopping will be different this year because I watched this video. What could be better than giving a gift that gives twice? The receiver gets something chosen especially for them and the manufacturer of the gift has the benefit of it being purchased. Thanks, Mary Jane!

  3. Theresa Merkling says:

    Having so much fun with your site and the links – enjoying the video as well as the new ideas.

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Giveaway: Pin-ing for your love!

Baby blue to match my blue-eyes-blue, this lapel rose handmade from wool can be yours if’n you …

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  1. Lise Rousseau Silva says:

    A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

  2. Kristina Wagner says:

    James Joyce – A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.

  3. Patty Schultz says:

    James Joyce wrote these beautiful words.

  4. Katie D says:

    A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
    By James Joyce
    I’m reading a Google version of the book
    today – I loved this quote!

  5. Lauren N says:

    Hello Mary Jane!
    The quote is by James Joyed from A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.
    Other than being utterly scandalous to tickle you pink many times, I thought the story was kind of… dry… Except for Stephen’s (main character) utter love of beauty, I don’t much care for the story or James Joyce. He’s not the type of author I like to curl up with for a couple hour long read.
    “She was alone and still, gazing out to sea, and when she felt his presence and the worship of his eyes her eyes turned to him in quiet sufferance of his gaze, without shame or wantonness.”
    (I love when my husband looks at me like that! ;P)

    I also read The Dubliners in tutorials (I was homeschooled but took tutorials. Like “school” for homeschoolers), but having to dissect the stories instead of reading simply for the joy of reading, really tainted the pleasure of reading for readings sake.
    There was too much of the story between the lines that we had to find and search for, it was maddening!
    But I did really enjoy Eveline (found in Dubliners) though it was a bittersweet enjoyment… If you haven’t read it I wont give it away, but it’s about a girl and her sailor, and who doesn’t love that?

    As a housewife, I never thought I’d use any of the information I learned in Literature. 😛 haha!

    • MaryJane says:

      Willie has a gift ready for you Lauren. Ready to wear a beautiful, blue flower on your coat this winter? (It really is drop-dead gorgeous.) Send your address to me here: I’m going to pick up a copy of Eveline the next time I’m in town. I would love to talk books with you! So much for James Joyce, I can’t think of the last time I looked at my husband in quiet sufference:) And he’d be the first to agree.

  6. Lauren N says:

    correction: James Joyce* I can’t even spell in my first sentence. >.< *sigh*

  7. Lauren N says:

    Oh how exciting!! Thanks so much!
    Also, I’m sorry I wasn’t very clear, Eveline is a short story found in The Dubliners by James Joyce, I’m not sure trying to find the book Eveline by J.J. would yield very many results!
    Thanks again!
    I love the magazine and just discovered the blog!

    • MaryJane says:

      Gotcha. Eveline, short story ’tis. I had an apprentice here years ago named Eveline. Loved saying the name out loud. Welcome Lauren!

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Great Find: Do you celebrate no-shave November? SOLD

Never nap alone again! These pillow cases, made by Miss Wilma of Kentucky, would look great adorning a settee on your front porch when the 4th of July rolls around next year. This is a Project F.A.R.M. (First-class American Rural Made) hand-embroidered product. $12 plus shipping ($12 for all three). All pillow cases are 10 X 10. For the men in your life that celebrate no-shave November, these could bring encouragement. (Did you know November is no-shave month?)

 Introducing King Edward of England:

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  1. Eileen Widman says:

    Did not know this was No shave November. Tell me the history of this.

  2. MaryJane says:

    Hi there Eileen! :] Here is a brief synopsis taken from a website. The link below will take you to a more lengthy one:
    Though the history of this phenomenon is hazy, the lineage of “No-Shave November” really began in Australia and New Zealand. Males would grow a moustache for the month to support prostate cancer awareness and various related organizations, and call the event “Movember,” a combination of moustache and November.
    According to the National Cancer Institute, testicular cancer is most commonly seen in men between the ages of twenty and thirty-nine, and is diagnosed in about 8,090 new patients yearly. However, this number is slowly climbing, and there is substantial concern about getting the word out to all men about the awareness of testicular cancer.
    Naturally, Americans adopted the absurd-but-thoughtful notion, and conceived the over-the-top concept of neglecting to shave their entire face for the month, rather than just the area above their upper lip. Thus, “No-Shave November” was born in the states. Also known as “Decembeard,” or “Manuary.”

  3. carol branum says:

    Hi,Guys around here just don,t shave coz its deer hunting season,I,ve never heard any of them say its to support cancer,maybe they think that is unmanly to say they are supporting a cause.
    ????,I don,t understand men,do you
    Have a great week,carol

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Holiday shopping? Have no fear.

We’ve turned the November corner—the holidays are upon us. Can you feel the chill in the air and the smell of turkey? From taking the family holiday card photo, to getting the gifts, and preparing for the day, it can be quite the busy time. If you’re lucky enough to have the time to battle the hordes at the mall, or make personal gifts for your family, you are phenomenal, if not, here are a couple of websites that will get you started on getting gifts for the holidays, gear for snowboarding and ski season, or maybe just to treat yourself?

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Curiosity killed …

… your problems! The internet is here, so why not use it to its full capacity? Those of you who have smartphones know what I’m talkin’ about. (You probably haven’t checked your email from your home computer in months.)  And, well most of us know the old adage, ‘don’t believe everything you read’ and are keenly aware that this extends to the internet. However, there are a couple of websites that when taken with a grain of salt, can be put to good use.

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Great Find: Bird pillow cases SOLD

Great finds galore! These beautiful bird pillow cases by Miss Wilma of Kentucky, are a Project F.A.R.M. (First-class American Rural Made) hand-embroidered product. Fall asleep to the delightful chirp of songbirds. $12 plus shipping ($12 for all four). Size is width by height.

14 X 16

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  1. Laurie Dimino says:

    Ooh Ooh…I so want these pillowcases! I just tried calling the farm for Brian but didnt get an answer. I will continue to try calling, and hopefully someone doesnt beat me to it!
    They are just Too Cute!

  2. Laurie Dimino says:

    I received the 4 lovely bird pillowcases in the mail the other day and they are even more beautiful in person. I envision them either on my “outdoor bed” in my sunroom or tossed on seating in my (someday I will have one) screened in porch.
    Thank you for the opportunity to help a great cause and receive a lovely gift in return!
    Farmgirl Smiles,

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Giveaway: Halloween Pumpkin Pin Cushion – ownership(ped)!

Here’s another giveaway. The first person to sing out the right answer wins!

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  1. Laurie Dimino says:

    Willie sold the song “Night Life” for $150, and since then over different artists have recorded it. A wonderful story of a man simply trying to support his family, by selling a song that he wrote.

    • MaryJane says:

      Isn’t this a great factoid about Willie? You nailed it. I’ll have someone email you for your address and Willie’s pin cushion is on its way!

      • Laurie Dimino says:

        Thank you MaryJane!!!! I am tickeld pink that I won!!! I love this new portion of “you”- raising jane. It fills in nicely since it seems like its ages between issues of your magazine! Can never have too much of a good thing. Thank you for sharing with us!

  2. Did Laura win? I hoe so! ‘Cause I have no idea so I can’t possibly win. I will learn something though so it is win-win. Tell Willie “Boo” for me…

  3. Uh — oops, make that hoPe so…

  4. Melissa says:

    Congrats Laurie Way to go being so quick you beat me LOL

  5. Laurie Dimino says:

    I just wanted to say a great big HUGE Thank You. I received the pumpkin pin cushion in todays mail and it is just awesome. So unique…It is already at home in my farmgirl craft room downstairs. Its almost just too pretty to use! The weather here is frightful today…heavy rain mixed with sleet and cold and windy. The package from 1000 Wild Iris Lane, warmed my heart and dappled sunshine on an otherwise dreary day.
    Thank you again!

  6. “Wow, great blog post.Really thank you! Awesome.”

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