I don’t believe I’ve ever encountered such an all-inclusive word!
Gallimaufry (gal-li-maw’-free) n.
A hodgepodge, jumble; a mixture of diverse things. From the French galimafrée, “a stew, hash, ragout,” from galer, “to make merry,” plus “mafrer, “to eat heartily.”
This divine little word has been used to denote everything from a stew of leftover odds and ends from the kitchen, to a collage of art pieces or photographs, a collection of short stories, an assortment of musical pieces, a mismatched and motley crew of folks, and so on … you get the picture.

My crazy quilt closet is a gallimaufry of fabric. What does yours look like:)?
What an amazing connection with Keith Richards! Ha!! And I quite agree that we all need to renew tha micawberish optimism on a regular basis!! I am working on it as we speak!
Winnie #3109