It’s hard to believe that our little StellaJane started school this morning! To all of you embarking on the same, we hope your first day of school is a perfectly beautiful one!
How can I raise the level of gratitude in my life? Let me count the ways.
It’s hard to believe that our little StellaJane started school this morning! To all of you embarking on the same, we hope your first day of school is a perfectly beautiful one!
CHECKED! glamper girls.
I found this photo of a woman’s trailer disaster on the Internet. She said she was waiting for roadside assistance to show up. A glamper needs her wheels … TO BE CHECKED before she hits the road! Wheel bearings? Checked. (And greased or replaced.) Brakes? Checked. (And replaced if worn out.)
My first reaction was, “This is why I took my Airstream in last week to get my wheel bearings packed (greased) and the brakes checked.”
Poor girl! I hope she still had time to go glamping.
Ok … so I bet you are wondering what the H-E double hockey sticks is going on here.
You’re probably saying,
“Nice, but, I ain’t no fool, you can put away the stuffed hummingbird now.”
“… or the plastic mannequin hand with a 10-foot extension.”
“Ok, well, really then, Photoshop is soooo overused these days.”
Really? None of those?
“Ok, so the bird hit a window and you picked it up stunned. Big deal.”
Again. Wrong!
How awesome! I watched the hummingbirds perch on our deck railings all the time. They even fly & “hover” over my head when I’m in the garden. But I’ve never had them come close to my hands. How cool!!
Totally amazing!!!!!!
My hubby has had them land on him. He can sit still
Wow! Here I am trying to just get them to come to my flowers/feeders, and y’all have them eating out of your hand..literally! What an amazing photo and once in a lifetime opportunity. Thank you for sharing with us!
Thanks a lot, I can see me out in the garden all day now trying to get a hummingbird to land on my finger too:-) Not a bad prospect considering it’s my favorite place to be. Seriously though ladies, kudos to you both; your pictures are outstanding & the concept delightful! Looks like a juvenile male hummingbird landed on your hand? And he looks damp, do you have a bubbler/sprinkler near by? Your Zinnia’s look great too! I especially like the double decker effect on the Zinnia’s in your first picture. I’m so glad I visited this website for the first time this morning, now you’ve got me hooked. Well done.
Could you send me posts of “Raising Jane” thru my email?
Thanks!! Kim
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Oh how beautiful that is. She was so lucky to hold one that way.
So *how* do you get them on your hand in the first place? Just stand near red flowers with your hand up? I want to do this!
About 7 years ago, I found a hummingbird caught in a spider web on my back porch. I got him out of the web, and he was so exhausted from trying to fight his way out of the web that he just sat in my hand. I had one of those children’s bug boxes, and I put him in it. I put a small bottle cap of nectar in there, and just kept putting his head in it. I called my vet, and he said to bring him inside the house overnight, but I felt that wouldn’t be his normal environment, so I left him in the bug box overnight on my porch. I didn’t expect him to make it, but next morning, he was still doing ok. He was so sticky from the nectar, so I took a small straw cleaning brush and tried to dilute the sticky nectar off of him. I sat him on the edge of the lid with the nectar, and he started eating. I left him sitting there and went to get my camera. When I came back, he had flown off. It was a lovely experience, but I’m so sad I didn’t get a picture of him!
For those of you who have children, grandchildren, and neighborhood kiddos, I’d like to pass along some parenting advice. Often, it’s the small, in-passing tidbits that are the biggest help. Here’s one I can’t wait to share …
It’s a Strider … a no-pedal balance bike.
Age 55 and I can still remember the thrill of dad running along the bike and then letting go….then you trimble a little, then suddenly you’re doing all by yourself!
National Thrift Shop Day is just around the corner, August 17. I can always come up with reasons to go thrifting. This year, I’m celebrating the day in a different fashion.
About 90% of my glamper goodies are “used” items … including the camper! I’ve purchased a lot of vintage items to accessorize it (aesthetics); many of the utility goods were purchased at thrifts stores or yard sales too – like a single burner Coleman, 1940s cannisters, a wool granny squares afghan, lanterns, silverware and various kitchen items etc. I’ve been haunting 2nd stores since I was in High School (1970s) and I don’t want the cure :o) Over the years, I’ve found some AMAZING things … one of my all-time best finds was a gorgeous Cashmere coat for my father — it still had a handsewn tag on the sleeve. Cost: $5. ‘Thrifting’ is good for both the seller and the buyer and it is especially FUN for the buyer when you SCORE a treasure.
I am busy doing the same thing….letting go of all the unused stuff. I love thrift stores and consignment shops and get most of my things that I need, only when I find them at thrift stores. By the way, I am dying over that cherry dress. If I lived in your neck of the woods, I would be there to snatch it up when you dropped it at your consignment shop! I live in Emmett, ID where we are known for our cherries and I just cannot get enough of cherry everything!
I agree with you, Meg. Get those clothes out to the stores when they will be of use to someone else. Most thrift stores have limited storage capacity and current wares help them generate sales. Not much they can do with donations of summer stuff in December! I am coveting that cute red and white strip jumper you donated! Florida is a bit far to get to the shop to buy it!! I just took some things this past weekend to my favorite thrift store. You are right in that if you just keeping saying, not that today, for an entire season, it pretty much means the time has come for a trip to the thrift store!!
Just took a pile of stuff to Goodwill. I recently had my colors redone and decided this is the way to get my wardrobe organized and on track. Maybe it finally will all go together in a cohesive way. The only way to make way for the new is to get rid of the old which I did. didn’t think twice. it’ll be worth it.
I love to thrift shop & rummage sale. It is so much fun to see what others have/want to get rid of. Recently I purchased a milk glass pedestal bowl with grape vines & grapes on it. A perfect match to redecorate in my kitchen that I finally painted & am redoing. And for a bargain price. When the kids lives home, we went to rummage sales once a month to collect whatever we needed. Now my girls love to rummage sale whenever they can. It is so-o-o relaxing. I also purge things we don’t use or haven’t used in 6 months. I take them to Goodwill.
I want to rummage your thrift bags!!! 😉 xoxox
Ha! I love it! The items above are all actually the adorable things I found while dropping my wares off. 🙂 I so wanted to bring that cherry dress home, but it wasn’t my size. 🙁 But I did find some fabulous tea cups for my collection over the weekend too. So much for just dropping stuff off. Oops!
Do I really need to say this again? You’re probably going to fall asleep when I say for the hundredth time, I LOVE holidays. Big or small, I love any excuse to celebrate. Our trusty ol’ MaryJanesFarm Calendar has quite a few lesser-known holidays I’m having fun with this month.
In honor of Friendship Day that happened on August 5 and Girlfriends’ Day last week on August 1, and Best Friends’ Day coming up on August 15, I’m taking one of my …
Cheers to girlfriends far and wide! Have fun on your trip Meg… you two look lovely!!! 🙂
xo Deb
You girls are gorgeous! I know this is wa-a-a-yyy past “Girlfriends Day”, but I wish you the best!
Sure have missed our emails . . . hope to SEE you again next summer!
What an adorable photo of little StellaJane’s first day! It is so exciting for both Mom and daughter. A true milestone.
Oh my she favors you! So precious!
Oh, my goodness! Time has flown. I still have her height on the wall in my dining room from when you were here. She was just a bit of a thing then. 🙂 I hope she had a fabulous day!