Buy props used in MaryJane’s books and magazine!
5% of profits will benefit www.firstbook.org, a non-profit that provides new books to children from low-income families throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Here’s how:
MaryJane will post a photo and a description of a prop and its cost along with a few details as to its condition here: https://shop.maryjanesfarm.org/MaryJanesCurations. It’s a playful way to be the new owner of a little bit of farm herstory.
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verbosity, ramosity

The leaves are green, the nuts are brown.
They hang so high they won’t come down.
Leave them alone till frosty weather,
then they will all come down together.
I recalled this old autumnal rhyme
Just in the nick of frosting time!
Okay, enough with the verse.

Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. Thunk.
But, really …
Can you believe we’re already cuddling up to November?
As I peer out the window through the soft shadows of an early morning,
I can see …
This is a new word to me but the tree just explains what it means. With it being in the 80s still here every day, I cannot imagine what it must look like out your window. I have always loved the black starkness of leafless trees against the azure blue sky of a cold day. Breathtaking!!
I love those words & I’m going to add them to my “dictionary” of new words to learn & use. We are traveling to Connecticut to visit our son & daughter-in-law & it is still in the high 70’s!!!
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Do you ever have one of those mornings when dawn shatters at the sound of the alarm clock?
You literally fly out of bed, realizing that you only have a shred of time before an early phone appointment.
Leaving the blankets bunched at the foot of the bed, you lunge for the loo and end up tripping on a table leg.
Who put that nightstand there anyway?!
(We all know the answer to that one.)
So, there you are, holding your pummeled pinky toe and
shouting daggers,
when a lovely little lilac of a face peers through the doorway and coos,
“Good morning, Mommy! I love you!”
Ahhh …
The world melts at your feet (one of them still in your hand).
Your heart drizzles dreamily back into its proper place,
And, just like that,
the day sheds its dour demeanor
and begins to dance.
Can you guess what all of the bold phrases in this entry have in common?
How about ” she got ready in a heartbeat?” I have never heard of this word either. Who thinks these words up anyway??
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So, ladies, are you in a hurry to hear the huff-and-puff that is soon to emanate from the hustings?
Let me clarify.
I’m just agreein !!!!
Having a 14 year old, I can see that! Seriously considering Homeschooling for my younger ones.
Interesting that this word just came up in the Wall Street Journal not too long ago.
What a beautiful photo! I looooove ladybugs:) Good luck all around! Love your blog!