Have you ever considered how many women’s names have taken on double meanings in the English language?
If you’re scratching your head, take it from a gal who knows …
A Mary Jane, after all, isn’t a far cry from a MaryJane.
(I prefer the Butters version.)
See what I mean?
If you’re a Nellie or a Patsy, you’re nodding emphatically right now.
Unfortunately, girls named Nellie and Patsy are harder to come by these days,
thanks to popular expressions that have put a damper on their demand.
“Whoa Nellie! It just ain’t so,” said Nervous Nellie. “Don’t blame me. I refuse to be your Patsy.”
Let’s take a gander at several handles that have become noteworthy
(or even a tad notorious)
by their starring roles in our ever-evolving vernacular …
Mary Jane
My name, with a space between, doubles as the name of a …
perfectly legal …
I must say I’m pleased as punch—who doesn’t love a Mary Jane? It’s a shoe-in.

Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
Plain Jane
Some Janes have it harder than others. Jane paired with plain is a term used to describe a woman of “unremarkable appearance.” With a play on words, I named my milk chocolate “Playin’ Jane.” I quite prefer her lack of fanfare over the more complicated Janes. Divulge your favorite type of chocolate in the comments section below and this Playin’ Jane (along with her friends, Almond Daze and Mintsummer’s Day) will get mailed to you when our very own StellaJane picks your name out of our giveaway hat.
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I know nothing about chickens but find them beautiful and fascinating. It has been through my membership to MJF that the entire world of chickens has opened up to me. I must admit if I had any, I would want them to sport cute aprons, of which the idea sends my husbands eyes rolling in his head!! You can’t be serious, he says?? The sad part is, OH, yes I am!! You are nuts, he chimes! But look here in the MJF magazine, I say. Proof positive hens wear aprons in some circumstances. And diapers so they can come inside!!! Conversation is now over. Hahahahaha! But, I am still serious.