

  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    So perfect and so tempting to snatch and eat!

  2. I tried to grow some rare wild type Ukrainian Strawberries from seed but didn’t realize how long it takes to start them that way.They were ‘sposed to be the sweetest ever. So my itsy bitsy plants won’t produce this season I think. ah well, such is Mother Nature. guess I will get them from my local Old Order Mennonite ( horse and buggy) farm stand nearby

  3. Bonnie Ellis says:

    You could just reach through the screen and pop it in your mouth. Yum….

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Garden Donations

If you have a garden bursting into bloom, it probably won’t be long before you’re picking more produce than you can pawn off on your neighbors.

Zucchini, anyone?

Photo by Tony Webster via Wikimedia Commons

Baked Zucchini Chips,

Zucchini Pickles,

Stuffed Zucchini with Spinach and Bacon

Okay, okay—enough already!

There must be something else a gardener can do with her extras.

And here it is:

This aptly named non-profit is all about creating pathways between fresh garden produce and food pantries for people in need.

“One out of six Americans needs food assistance but can’t get fresh produce from the local food pantry, while millions of American homeowners grow more food in their backyard gardens than they can possibly use,” says the organization’s website. “The Campaign is a national effort utilizing the Internet that enables 40-plus million Americans who grow food in home gardens to easily donate their excess harvest to registered local food pantries spread across all 50 states.”

Photo by Biswarup Ganguly via Wikimedia Commons


Check out the searchable, online list of food pantries at Every single one of them is ready and able (and sometimes desperate) for fresh food donations.


  1. Cindi says:

    An excellent solution for someone like me that likes to plant lots of variety but can’t possibly eat it all myself! Yes, I purposely planted three each of tomato and zucchini plants. Well??? They are impressive plants. MaryJane to the rescue again 🙂

  2. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Hahaha, Cindi!! The Great Zucchini takeover in Coeur d’Alene in on!!! We already crowned our Zucchini Queen at the local festival in May. Blessedly, the vines are all dead now and we are into Okra, Okra Okra and blazing hot peppers. What else can possibly survive 97 degree heat everyday? Did I mention Okra availability??

    Seriously, this link for AmpleHarvest is a super idea. I understand there are many “produce deserts” in large inner cities where people have to shop in stores where produce hardly exists, save a few hard apples. Plus food pantries rely on donations and fresh produce is rare. Another good thing that is happening here in Florida is that more and more farmer’s markets are able to accept food stamps for their produce and people can shop at the downtown market on Wednesdays. I do think every great option and idea is helpful to those families who cannot access healthy food. Thankfully around here, collards can grow in yards for many of the cooler months of the year (October -May). They are also available on the backs of parked trucks along the roadside on weekends for cheap.

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  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    I am thinking those are my apples nicely coming along?This year, we need Karine to take close ups of them, including the leaves, and send them to me. I have a great little apple identification book for the US and just maybe I can figure out what they are. We also need Karine to cut one in half to show how they look as well for more clues. At least that is what John Bunker does when he does his Apple Table at local festivals in the fall. Then, depending on what the book says they are best used for, we can have Ashley do one of her magic kitchen recipes for us and you can share. I think that would be so fun. What do you think?

    I just looked up National Apple Pie Day for 2015 and it was May 13. How could I miss that! Phooey. The link also said that Yale has had a 100 year old tradition of serving Apple Pie for dinner every night. I knew I loved that campus when I toured there a few years ago on some city business with Warren. Anyway, I know we celebrated National Pie for Breakfast Day last year on the Forum on the Friday after Thanksgiving. Somehow, I was thinking there was an Apple Pie day before that, but I guess not. However, that does not stop us from making up a Farmgirl tradition of having the first annual Apple Pie Sunday on the last Sunday of September as a continuation of our 2015 Jubilee Celebration. Are your apples ripe by then? What do you think?

    • MaryJane says:

      They ARE ripe by then. I’m ripe for the opportunity:) You bet, I can apple up for the first annual Apple Pie Sunday. I’ll get with Ashley. I’ll also make note of what tree that photo came from.

      • Winnie Nielsen says:

        Perfect! I’ve made a note to post challenge on the Chatroom about 5 days ahead of time. September 27 is the last Sunday. Whoop! I am already excited. I am guessing we need to try and identify your apple early enough so Ashley has the info on what the best way to cook it would be. Example: already a sweet apple so needs less sugar or vice versa.

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Today’s Recipe: Garlic Scape Aioli


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  1. Lisa A says:

    I’ve been meaning to try my own mayo and aioli, this looks great!

  2. Winnie Nielsen says:

    I love the still life photo of the basic ingredients and finished product. I am sure it must be delicious!!

  3. Colette says:

    Why do you use two bowls with a towel in between? Do you have ice in there or is it just for stability?

  4. Pingback: Today’s Recipe: Potato Salad w/Garlic Scape Aioli | Raising Jane Journal

  5. Heike says:

    Yum!!! I am going to try this today!

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  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    I am loving the unmatched pieces of red transfer ware for tea!

  2. Karlyne says:

    Me, too, Winnie! I’d love to use them for tea or coffee!

  3. terry steinmetz says:

    Can I come for tea and a good old sisterly chat? Love the place setting!

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