The adorable, always humorous MBA Jane is my way of honoring our Sisterhood Merit Badge program, now with 6,724 dues-paying members who have earned an amazing number of merit badges so far—9,486 total! Take it away, MBA Jane!!! MJ
Wondering who I am? I’m Merit Badge Awardee Jane (MBA Jane for short). In my former life …
For this week’s Young Cultivator Each Other/Thank You! Beginner Level Merit Badge, I enlisted my handy-dandy, go-to, MBA newbies, Piper and Andy. No, it wasn’t just that they were the only two whippersnappers in my circle; it was actually their mother’s idea.
You see, she had noticed a bit of … well, negligent and perhaps slipshod behavior in her sweet little angels as of late.
Okay, I candy-coated it. What she really said was,
These gremlins who live with me and call me Mom have become entitled, selfish Twerpensteins with ATTITUDES. Suggestions?
Suggestions? Boy howdy, was I the farmgirl for the job!
You see, I too, have struggled with being negligent and slipshod an entitled, selfish Twerpenstein, and have recuperated nicely.
Hello, my name is MBA Jane and I am a recovering gremlin-with-an-attitude.
Hello, Jane!
I knew the root of the problem with the rugrats lay in their lackadaisical, cotton-pickin’ hearts. They needed a job, a purpose, a sense of thankfulness.
And maybe a cookie.

photo by Jason Lam via Wikimedia Commons
(Because everything—including jobs, purposes, and merit badges—go better with cookies).
In order to earn their Beginner Level badge, they simply needed to start a Gratitude Journal.
Easy peasy, lemon squeasy, righto? I mean, come on. Who doesn’t like to journal things in cute, little, cloth-bound booklets?
Evidently, Piper and Andy, that’s who.
You’d think I was pulling their teeth or forcing them to drink kale juice. The sounds of whining coming from my kitchen table practically made my ears bleed, I kid you not.
“But Auntie!” they cried, in unison, “It’s SUMMER! School is over! We refuse to learn anything! Bloody murder! I won’t do it! The pencil hurts my fingers! The paper smells weird! I need more cookies! This will give me Black Lung! You’ll be sorry when we’re dead!”
Yadda yadda yadda, etc. etc. etc., blah blah blah.
Trust me: I’ve toughened up since becoming an auntie. It’s not a job for the faint of heart. You need a will of iron, a spine of steel, a big heart, and a whole lotta chocolate chips.
After they realized I was not going to back down on this (and that their mother wasn’t going to let them come home until their attitudes changed), they cracked open their journals and buckled down. Well, sorta. Andy banged his head on the table a few more times for good measure, but after it made his eyes cross and I didn’t soften (but did hand him some ice), he sighed and got to work.
They were kind enough to let me read their lists:
- Cookies
- Summer vacation (or lack thereof, Auntie)
- Wifi
- Puppies and kittens
- Breakfast, lunch, and dinner
- Snacks
- Mom and Dad
- Friends
- Slumber parties
- Toenail polish
- Outdoor barbeques with the neighbors
- Horseback rides
- Shopping
- Holidays
- Tree climbing
- Blanket forts
- Movie nights
- Andy (don’t tell him I said that)
- Piper (don’t tell her I said that)
- Swimming
- Pets
- Pizza nights with the family
- Vacations
- Staycations
- Back to school outfits and supplies
- Lemonade stands
I thought it was a lovely list.
P.S. I may have forgotten to mention they have to write in these journals for two weeks to earn their badges.

photo by Danni Suplicki via
Ahem. Pray for me.
And send chocolate chips.
Your bags turned out fabulous!!! In the last month, we’ve been taking our blank bags (like those I sent you) and doing fun things with them also. Ha, they’re literally a blank canvas.
You know what? Sherriyln sent me the apple tote as a ROAK because I love apples and she had it left over from their HenHouse project. Included was also some organic OPAL apples which are in season now and her favorite! The tote is so darling and I was totally surprised! The apples were also delicious too.
Cute! And I immediately thought that a Christmas bag swap would be fun; a few years ago I made dozens of sizes of them with leftover (and cheap) pieces of Christmas fabric and the kids’ flannel quilt backings (I put their Christmas PJs in those so each kidlets knows which is theirs), so that I’d never have to wrap a present again. I just serge them on three sides and then use ribbon to tie them shut and hang a tag on. So much easier and more fun than all that dumb, hard-to-store, throwaway wrapping paper!