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  1. Teddie Wright says:

    I received the copy of Creative Lettering and Beyond that I won from your website. It is inspirational, and so much fun! Thank you. I would highly recommend it to all of you free spirits, who love to be creative and daring! Great job on your book!!

  2. Winnie Nielsen says:

    This bee is beautiful all nestled in the bloom.

    Hi MaryJane/ we are in London now and trying to see some of the many many historic places. I found a Women’s WWII memorial to all the roles women played in helping their country. One of the sculptures was remembering women who worked in the Women’s Land Army!! You can imagine how excited I was to find that one.

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  1. lisa von saunder says:

    I have seen virtually no honeybees this summer, lots of other kinds like bumble bee types but not the beloved honeybees.
    beware that spraying for zika mosquitoes kills bees

  2. lisa von saunder says:

    please read abut the poor bees:

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