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  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Pumpkin Pie will be coming soon? Or is that some sort of melon? Whatever it is, I bet it will be tasty.

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  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Look at those tiny little feet so perfectly gripping.

    My Cast Iron cookbook arrived yesterday and I sat down and read it cover to cover. It is fantastic! I also love the little family stories and historical bits of information with photos. My Mom gave me her set of 3 skillets which I have been using for years. Plus I have two Le Creuset pots that are daily staples as well. Once you cook with cast iron, everything else just pales in comparison. Another feature about your new book that I loved are all the wonderful photos of the farm. Little snippets of places I know and love just make this book a must have. As you might imagine, I have my eye on a few of those apple recipes which I plan to try as soon as Warren returns. Last night I made the basic cornbread recipe cut in half and I enjoyed it very much. Using a recipe from your BakeOver magazine, I made the black bean mixture and then placed the cornbread on top and baked it in the oven. Yummy! With just me at home, there are lots of left overs,which is another great outcome. Thank-YOU for all the time it took to create this wonderful guide to cast iron cooking. I hope many, who have never tried cast iron, will give it a try and join the generations of devotees!

    • MaryJane says:

      Our first real review!!! Love you Winnie. Your words make it all worthwhile.

      • Winnie Nielsen says:

        No, THANK-YOU!! Now, I can’t wait to see the bread book when you have time to complete. You know how I love the story of the Joseph C. Barron flour mill in Oakdale, Washington. Oh to have a flour sack from those days or one of his calendars like the 1912 one you show in your Ideas book! To me, this mill is the story of American life at the turn of the century when hard work and honesty were values people shared and honored. In 1912, my Dad was 10 years old and one of four boys living on a dairy farm in Omaha, Nebraska. I wonder if his Mom got her flour from a mill similar to Joe Barron’s? I already know that this book will be worth the wait and will be another must have for me!

        Happy Sunday!

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  1. BB king says:

    Ooh, I do so love your hummingbird photos ! Always so lovely

  2. Winnie Nielsen says:

    What a perfect photo!! I have been enjoying two different types of Hummingbirds at my feeder lately. They even sort of do a little chirp as they land to feed.

  3. CJ Armstrong says:

    Love hummingbirds and we have a “show” every morning around our feeder which is at the edge of our deck on the east side of the house. We usually sit out there with breakfast and/or coffee, with our cat out with a halter and on her long leash, so we sometimes leave the back door standing open.
    The other morning two hummers flew in the house, one flew back out but I had to go see about getting the other one out. It flew around into all the rooms and flew into the big south window behind our couch. It was stunned and fell down to the sill. I was able to catch it and carry it outside. It was chirping but I wasn’t sure if it was okay.
    I laid it on the edge of the deck, stroked it a bit and after a couple minutes it “woke up” and flew off in a hurry. I was grateful to see it was okay!
    We’re trying to remember to shut the door so they don’t do that again. We have at least three “regulars” who hang around a lot. Just in the last couple days a rufous showed up . . . very bossy and agressive little bird!

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